
New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – fresh starts

The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th of June occurs at the 22°44′ of the zodiac. New Moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, setting new goals, launching new projects – especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart.

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The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. A new Moon in this sign can be great for starting new studies (courses of foreign languages, marketing, tourism, journalism are recommended), re-branding your image, networking, traveling, contacting your acquaintances, making new friends, socializing, launching advertising campaigns, etc.

The current new Moon in Gemini conjuncts five beneficial fixed stars ( Bellatrix, Capella, Phact, Mintaka, El Nath). The impact of Capella is the strongest. According to Vivianne Robson, the author of The Fixed Stars, this is a fortunate celestial body in the Charioteer constellation, associated with wealth, honor, eminent friends, successful journeys. However, a new Moon in conjunction with Capella can make one restless, quarrelsome, changeable, misunderstood.

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – the challenging aspect

The waning square between the new moon and Neptune may amplify these less desirable qualities of the fixed star. Gemini is easy to be distracted; superficiality and lack of persistence may also be an issue.While the outgoing Gemini understands the power of social networking, do your best to avoid gossiping or being indiscret. If you experience it from others, it’s fine to set your boundaries. The challenging aspect with the Neptune calls for extra dose of mindfulness to avoid self – delusion, confusion, misunderstandings, escapist attitude, self-sacrifice, martyrdom.

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The conjunction between this new Moon in Gemini and Pluto emphasizes the need of adjustments so that you can really benefit from the fortunate influence of the fixed stars. Being grounded, focus, practical approach, patience, commitment, self-sufficiency are some blessings of the Capricorn Pluto enabling you to make the most of this lucky lunation.

The influence of Jupiter – Neptune trine perfected for the second time on the 25th of May is strong in the new moon chart, giving excellent opportunity to make something tangible from your creative visions. Your inner voice or a psychic reading can give you guidance, too. Although not perfect, the trine between Saturn and Uranus enables you to make changes while keeping the useful elements of the old structures. A fresh approach of the old problems will bring breakthroughs.

New Moon in Gemini

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