All posts tagged: Attraction


Are you attractive for real? – Reasons Why Mental Attractiveness Matter More Than Physical Attractiveness

It is not necessary that mentally attractive people always have smart goals in life. Instead, intellectually attractive people have qualities like compassion, self-awareness, and inquisitiveness. Check out some of the reasons why mental attractiveness is more important as compared to physical attractiveness. Check out Oranum Psychics for genuine love and relationship advices! Mentally attractive people are more confident Being confident means, you are sexy as it is a highly contagious trait. If someone is confident that he/she should be an integral part of your life, your bedroom, or in your arms, not because of your appearances, even you start feeling a spiritual bonding with them and realize that you too deserve their love and affection. While mental attraction keeps growing, physical attraction fades with time When your interest in a person is only because of who he/she is there is an automatic growth in your love for them. Also, physical attraction can diminish with time as bodies start aging, skin sags, and there are hormonal changes. Physical attraction is derived from mental attraction When you …

Spell casting

Spell casting technique for you

Spell Casting – imagine For the purpose of this simple exercise in creative visualization, think of something you would like. This might be an object you would like to own but can not afford, it may be a situation you would like to experience, or it may be some aspect of your life you would like to improve. To perform this simple spell casting that will help you to reach your goals, you just need to do the following: You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for now! Make yourself comfortable and proceed to imagine exactly how you will feel when whatever it is you are wishing for has become manifest. Visualize yourself wearing those gorgeous shoes. Imagine how you will feel sitting in that air-conditioned office. Ponder the fun you will be having when you are off on your dream holiday. It doesn’t really matter what it is that you may want, just get it crystal clear in your mind and breathe. As you breathe in and out slowly, count backwards from ten …

Different candle colors? Candle Ritual Series,III

The candle palette – Colors for Candle Ritual. Before we can begin any sort of Candle Ritual – although you are already familiar with the different possible shapes of candles – first there must be a basic understanding of colors represent. Listed below you will find the most common candle colors used for a candle ritual. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! GOLD – This color stands for masculine energy. Quite obviously it represents great fortune and abundance! Gold is a color that I burn most often to help my multiple works of divinations to give me a deeper and quicker understanding of messages coming to me. It brings fast luck and helps negate or turn negative vibes around. During the Candle Ritual, you can use this candle to honor the solar deities or bring financial benefits to yourself. WHITE – The white candle is a symbol of the Goddess. This candle is quite universal, it can be used as a substitute for any other …

Attract more Love and Success with a REAL Candle Ritual

Altering your mood Many like to buy candles for scenting a room, creating a relaxing atmosphere, or to “set the mood”. But did you know that when you do this you are indeed working Candle Magic doing a Candle Ritual?! When you light a candle to scent a room, you are inadvertently using aroma therapy. You are altering your mood and the mood of those around you, or even your own physical well-being. The many fragrances of candles can alter different aspects of your spiritual being. For example; if you lit a lavender scented candle to relax while you are taking a bubble bath, you are actually performing a ritual, giving yourself a spiritual healing. You are purifying your aura, easing tension, and connecting to your higher consciousness! The scent of candles will help release any energy blocks. Even better, if you used lavender candles while taking a salt bath, you are purifying your whole being, mentally, physically, emotionally AND spiritually. Of course if you want to make sure your blockages are gone, you can always …

Crystals for Love and Relationships

Written By: Dr. Nikki Are you interested in learning about crystals which can help you with your love life? These crystals are not only pretty to look at, they are known to help in all matters of emotion! Ruby The Ruby’s connection with love goes back to ancient history. Egyptians believed it was the stone of love. This beautiful gem’s use in crowns and regalia show its association with royalty; “love rules”. Fidelity has been a part of the Ruby’s influence, and the 40th wedding anniversary is the “Ruby Anniversary.” Love’s appreciation as a higher emotion aligns with the Ruby. It is said that a ruby will darken if an unfaithful lover comes near. The stone of the Root Chakra, the Ruby is also associated with sensual pleasures and physical passion. Wearing a ruby can increase sexual attraction. Rose Quartz Rose quartz beads have been dated back to the Mesopotamian culture, over 7,000 years ago. Considered by many to be the ultimate stone of love, the soft pink color and delicate beauty of rose quartz …

How to Care For and Use Your Crystals

Written By: Dr. Nikki These days, it seems like everyone is going wild over crystals. Their power and special meanings are nothing new, but their appeal in popular culture seems to have taken over the mainstream. So where should you begin? How do you even get started? Let me help you out with a few crystal basics. Choosing: Few of us have the option of going to mines and digging out our own crystals. Thankfully, New Age shops, specialized crystal sellers, and rock and gem shows are all excellent places to find crystals. It is always a good idea to get as much information about the crystal you are buying as possible, such as the type (clusters, single points, etc.), and where it comes from. Natural stones are always better, while manmade crystals tend to be less expensive. A crystal ball is great for scrying, a single or dual point is used for healing work, and a cluster is fantastic for a meditative focus. Clear Quartz, which occurs worldwide, is a good first stone as it has …

Herbal Magickal Baths For Love, Purification + Money!

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Water has always been a purifier from the beginning of time; it cleanses everything it touches. Water is also a spiritual cleanser, washing away energies that are not our own while purifying both body and spirit. It is the essence of life, releasing psychic blocks, restoring us to balance and harmony. Taking a magickal or ritual bath permits us to open ourselves to higher energies, and those energies we wish to attract to ourselves. The history of the ritual bath is ancient. Many cultures ancient and modern use water as a method of spiritual purification. Ritual bathing was a n important part of Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern, and Japanese societies. The faithful washed themselves before prayer, entering a temple or participating in spiritual activities. The use of water in purification is also used by Muslims washing before prayer, Catholics dipping hands in holy water, Native Americans in the sweat lodge, and some modern Witches before entering the sacred circle. In many magickal faiths and folk magic, the bath often becomes spellwork …

Magickal Uses of Mint

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Of all the well known culinary herbs, Mint is one of the most versatile. Whether its aromatic foliage is used in cooking, as a deodorizer, teas and drinks, a garden insect repellant, medicinally, or in spellwork, mint lends its own unique magic. There are over 40 species of Mint which hybridize easily, producing infinite variations. Peppermint is in actuality a natural occurring hybrid of spearmint and water mint. As an herb, Mint originates in the Mediterranean and Western Asia, and was cultivated in ancient times by the Greeks, the Romans, and the Egyptians – most notably used in Egyptian and Roman funeral rites. Mints commonly used are: the Chocolate Mint is used in desserts, Spearmint for drinks, Peppermint for drinks & desserts Pineapple Mint for salads, and regular garden mint is used for general cooking. The name Mint comes from Greek mythology, there are many versions of the story but the most popular legend tells us Minthe was originally a nymph, and was seduced by Hades. His wife Persephone, in a fit …

Lavender: It’s History, Use, Lore and Magick

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose “And lavender, whose spikes of azure bloom shall be, ere-while, in arid bundles bound to lurk admist the labours of her loom, and crown her kerchiefs witl mickle rare perfume.” ~William Shenstone, The School Mistress 1742 Lavender is one of the most ancient aromatic herbs, used and cultivated since the beginning of recorded time. Even to modern times, lavender has been valued mostly for the virtue of its fragrance. It is a woody evergreen member of the vast mint family, originating as a native plant of the mountains of the Mediterranean region. Its cultivation and use has spread, but the most common are the English Lavenders. These hardy varieties were brought to England during the Medieval period and are mentioned in the writings of William Shakespeare. There are over 15 different species of lavender and many varieties, each with their own fragrance and color, which can vary  from deep purple, pink, to white. The name lavender has its roots from the latin “lavare’ meaning to wash. It as used in ancient …

How To Do a Spiritual House Cleansing

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose I’ve often been asked about changing the energy in a home, and how to spiritually purify it. The trick to having a spiritually calming environment is to treat the home as a temple, a sacred place. Although this article is not about banishing spirits in a home, purification sets the stage for our environment and what we attract in our life. Peace of mind is everything, and it is the foundation of all we do. While we might not have control over our outside environment, our inside environment is something we do have control over. The first thing to do is to physically clean your home. There is no point in spiritually cleaning your house unless this is done first. If your home is attracting any natural pests, these have to be gotten rid of too. Straighten up any clutter as well. Why spiritually cleanse your home? To increase fruition, abundance, luck and to alleviate discord. This is especially important when moving into a new home. The remaining energy and residue …