All posts tagged: Flower of life symbol

Flower of life

Power of the Flower of Life symbol

Flower of life – origins This is a sign of harmony and protection and an energy symbol made up of 19 interlocking circles. Flower of Life is around 5000 years old and can be found in the Temple of Abydos, more precisely on the pillars of the temple complex of the Osireion, in Middle Egypt. Up to these day it exercises a magic and fascination for man. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a psychic reading! Flower of Life promises healing and the ability to get rid of fears; to get in touch with the higher self, and to go become more self-confident until you reach enlightenment. It is a sign of infinity. For many people, it helps as a supportive force in everyday life, releases all blockages and brings us back to our original energy. Flower of life – everyday use There are many ways to use this symbol. Put the flower of life symbol under a glass of water, so the water will be energized with the wonderful vibration of …