All posts tagged: Love symbols

The Meaning of the Moon Tarot Card

The Meaning of the Moon Tarot Card: Dissecting a Deck’s Mysterious Card

Just as the Moon has many phases, so does its Tarot card complement. Also sometimes referred to as La Luna or the Illusion, this card has many layers that we cannot wait to dissect with you! So, won’t you join us for a little exploration into the meaning of the Moon Tarot card? Looking at the imagery of the card, you can see the Sun-Moon gazing on the setting below. In the lower half of the card are two dogs, one of which looks curious and clean and the other that seems to be wilder and angrier. These dual aspects of the Sun-Moon in contrast with the two sets of canines gives us a hint about the internal conflicts present in the scene. Just below the dogs, a stray crayfish is shown trying to reach land. This struggle is representative of one’s own insecurities about the path ahead of them. Upright Meaning The meaning of the Moon Tarot when you pull it upright, can signify that you are in a period of vulnerability, uncertainty, and …

love languages

LOVE LANGUAGES – How to speak to your partner’s love language?

Everyone has a love language or a way of showing, giving, and/or expressing love, but not everyone has the same type. Once you have figured out yours, you will find it easier to communicate your needs to your partner and to also understand their actions. However, you must also keep in mind that the love style you choose to give may not also be the same kind that you prefer to receive. While you may relate to them all, each of us has one that resonates with us the most. Once you discover yours and your partner’s love languages, you can better support the relationship’s growth and firm up it’s foundations. Here is a quick overview of each of the love languages: Words of Affirmation This love language is characterized by the verbal acknowledgement of love. Whether you prefer to give or receive this language, it means you either want to feel or convey deep appreciation. This often includes saying “I love you” frequently, checkup texts, social media engagement, and compliments. A 2010 study about …

The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Egyptian Ankh symbol

Also known as the Egyptian cross, the Ankh was held in the hands of the Gods as a symbol of their power to give life or take it away. The name of the symbol meant “life” and was often used as an amulet, a symbolic representation of both physical and eternal life. The Ankh symbolized life, immortality and reincarnation. The Ankh is commonly associated with Isis, who was the wife of Osiris the God of the afterlife, and mother of Horus, the God of the Sun. Isis was the Goddess of life and magic and she protected women and children, and healed the sick. Her great power is very connected to this powerful sign. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! Use this symbol to increase the energy and level of your meditation, spells or ritual work. The Ankh could symbolize physical life on Earth, eternal life in heaven or the underworld, immortality, and even reincarnation. Often, the ancient Egyptians would carry ankh ornaments for protection or use them in their cult …

Tree of Life

Top Spiritual Symbols series – Tree of Life

Are you ready for change, personal growth and fruition? The Tree of Life symbol is as old as time and is seen in many cultures around the world. It represented harmony and balance and was an important symbol in the Celtic culture. They believed it had magical powers so when they cleared their lands, they left one single tree standing in the middle. They held their important gatherings under this tree and it was a very serious crime to cut it down. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! They were also called a Fairy trees. A Fairy tree is usually apart of any 12 sacred trees in the Celtic zodiac chart but what makes them stand out from any other tree of their kind is their location. A Fairy tree is found standing by itself in the center of a field or on the side of the road and they’re quite easy to spot if you know what you are looking for. Some of these trees have stones surrounding their base for …

The Wheel symbol

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Wheel symbol

The wheel keeps on turning and turning. The wheel symbol has always been a symbol of the passage of time, change and progression of mankind, and is seen in many cultures as a calendar or marker for the year. In Wicca the wheel is seen as a calendar for the 8 holy days within the year. These holy days are called Sabbats and they are: 1. Winter Solstice (Yule) 2. Imbolc (Candlemas) 3. Spring Equinox (Ostara) 4.Beltane (May Eve) 5.Summer Solstice (Litha) 6.Lughnasadh (Lammas) 7.Autumn Equinox (Mabon) 8.Samhain (Hallowe’en). Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! In Buddhism and Hinduism the wheel symbol is called the Wheel of Dharma; and this symbols is best-known as a Buddhist symbol. Known also as a Dharmachakra. The Dharma Wheel in Buddhism is an important symbol that represents the perfection of Buddha’s teachings. The wheel’s symbolism, however, may be interpreted in a number of different ways. Wheel of Dharma is rich in symbolism and may be interpreted in a number of ways. For instance, the shape …

The Hamsa

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Hamsa

The Hamsa Hand is an ancient amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths, it is a protective sign. It brings it’s owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. “Ask and you shall receive.” “Knock and the door will open.” In general this symbol represents strength, power and protection. However, it can just as easily mean generosity, hospitality and stability. The palm-shaped amulet is popular in the Middle East as well as North Africa and commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings too. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! The Hamsa image has been used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, and it is believed by some, – predominantly Muslims and Jews – to provide defense against the evil eye. The hand is a very famous and striking symbol that has been used in many countries for the past thousand years. You can see it in jewelry and art. Over the years, Hamsa hand symbol spread to different regions and matured into an integral part of …

love languages

Does Cupid really exist?

Is there such a thing as real love or do humans simply indulge in ritualistic mating? Does a winged cherubic boy with his bow and arrow really go about striking unsuspected people and infecting them with the madness of love? Cupid is nothing but a re-imagination of the Greek god Eros in the Hellenistic Era. So how much of this myth is true and how much is fictional? It depends a lot on your faith in the folktales of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Cupid is just as real. He exists if you believe in him and he’s a figment of popular imagination if you don’t. Is love about to knock on your door? Ask genuine, online Love Psychics Cupid actually has two arrows in his arsenal. One strikes love and the other discord. If you are struck with the love arrow, you become committed to another person struck at the same time forever. If you’re hit with the other arrow, you realize that you are no longer content in the relationship that you’re …

Top Spiritual Symbols

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess symbol is the first in our Top Spiritual Symbols series. It is comprised of a waxing crescent, full moon, and a waning crescent. This symbol’s roots and profound meaning go deeper than many may expect. The triple moon is a Goddess symbol that represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone as the waxing, full, and waning moon. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! It is also associated with feminine energy, mystique, and psychic abilities. You often see this symbol on crowns or other head-pieces, particularly worn by High Priestesses. The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the female principle, the promise of new beginnings, youth, excitement, and a carefree erotic aura. The Maiden in Greek Mythology is Persephone, best known for her purity. Other maiden goddesses include Brigid, and Nimue among others. The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, fulfillment, stability, and power. The Mother Goddess in Greek mythology is Demeter, who represents the wellspring of life, bountifulness, and compassion. Other mother goddesses include Aa, Ambika, Ceres, Astarte, and Lakshmi. The Crone …

Moon sign

Moon sign Compatibility

When you’re about to get married or make a similar commitment to your romantic partner, it isn’t enough to just check if you both are compatible by Sun sign. You should verify Moon sign compatibility too. So which Moon signs make for the most compatible partnerships? Let’s take a look – Aries – If your Moon sign is Aries, you will be most compatible with individuals with a Moon sign of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Gemini, Aquarius and Libra will make for decent partners too but not as great as the Moon signs listed formerly. Taurus – If your Moon sign makes you a Taurean, you can expect to get along well with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. You will make the best teams with Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Gemini – Individuals with their Moon in Gemini will work well with people whose Moon signs are in Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. They will make the best partners for Librans, Aquarians and Geminis. Cancer – Cancer Moon signs go well with Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. Virgo, Capricorn …

Flower of life

Power of the Flower of Life symbol

Flower of life – origins This is a sign of harmony and protection and an energy symbol made up of 19 interlocking circles. Flower of Life is around 5000 years old and can be found in the Temple of Abydos, more precisely on the pillars of the temple complex of the Osireion, in Middle Egypt. Up to these day it exercises a magic and fascination for man. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a psychic reading! Flower of Life promises healing and the ability to get rid of fears; to get in touch with the higher self, and to go become more self-confident until you reach enlightenment. It is a sign of infinity. For many people, it helps as a supportive force in everyday life, releases all blockages and brings us back to our original energy. Flower of life – everyday use There are many ways to use this symbol. Put the flower of life symbol under a glass of water, so the water will be energized with the wonderful vibration of …