All posts tagged: numbers

Love & Numerology

Love & Numerology

The date of our birth holds key information about who we are as individuals. Numerology recognizes this and provides us with valuable information about ourselves and others by analyzing our birth date and determining our Life Path number. Our partner’s Life Path number can tell us how best to communicate with them and what they need the most out of a relationship. This is how love & numerology go hand in hand… Below, we discuss what the different Life Path numbers need out of love; but first here is a reminder on how to calculate your Life path number. Love & Numerology – numbers Number 1 – Life Path Number 1 is the leader. When you are in a relationship with them, allow them to take charge for a happy and functional relationship. Number 2 – Life Path Number 2 is a sensitive soul. Unlike Number 1, they need constant affection and reassurance to feel loved and needed in a relationship. They won’t mind you taking the reins of the relationship as they take a …

harmonic numbers

Candle Burning and Harmonic Numbers

Harmonic numbers – increase the energy Numbers have meaning – and more than just counting money. The knowledge and insight carried in numbers goes back to the mystery schools of the ancients. Harmonic Numbers shows you what energy is favorable for you and certain activities on any given day. These Harmonic Numbers are associated with specific candle colors and can help you increase the energy of your candle ritual experience. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! To compute your personal harmonic numbers, complete the following steps: Take the number of your month of birth (May = 5) Add the day of birth (22) The number of the present calendar month (November = 11) The present calendar day (23) Add the present year (2018) Brings you the equation:  5 + 22 + 11 + 23 + 2018 = 2079 And, as usual with numerology, continue adding individual numbers until you get to a single digit: 2 + 0 + 7 + 9 = 9 This gives you the personal harmonic number of …