All posts tagged: Rose Moon


Supermoon in Gemini – Aug 22, 2017 – How will it effect You?

Are you ready for the upcoming Supermoon? It is important to learn how it will effect your personal life. The upcoming astrological event, which is certainly worthy of it’s name, of the next Full Moon on the 14th of December falls into the airy sign of Gemini. Supermoon! Please note that this is actually going to be another Super Moon which perfectly fits the series of Super Moons that we have been experiencing in the recent past. The next days will hold a powerful and marvelous opportunity to help you recognize those areas in your lives that are in need of change. To help you understand the effects of these happenings correctly, let us clarify that this means that the areas of your life where balance has not yet been accomplished perfectly will very likely come into focus. Remember that everything in this world exists to support you in order to improve yourself and these celestial events always affect our lives beneficially. It is worthwhile to be aware of such emphatic events to be able …

Understanding Tarot – The Overall Basics

Written By: Dr. Nikki You may have heard a lot about tarot. Maybe you heard that it was invented by the ancient Egyptians, or that it was developed by the Romany as they moved into northern Europe. In reality, Tarot dates back to 15th Century Italy where it was developed as a card game of entertainment for the nobility as they escaped the plague-ridden cities for summers in their country villas. The deck for the card game, tarrochi, consisted of four suits – Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords (which have fourteen cards each) and another grouping called the Major Arcana (which is composed of twenty-two cards). A full deck of tarot includes a total of 78 cards. The deck has been revamped and some cards renamed by different artisans through the years, but the basic deck of 78 cards remains the same today as it was when first created. Each card in the tarot deck is assigned specific meanings or concepts. For example, the Cups are aligned with the element of water; the element responsible …

The Story of the Rose Moon: Sweet Release

We’ve been waiting all month for this day and now that the Full Rose Moon has arrived, a celebration is in order! How will you find peace within all of the things that you choose to release today? Meditating is usually a good place to start. We released a special Rose Moon mediation on our blog just for this purpose. Start there 😉 Click here to read:

The Story of the Rose Moon: Waiting

As the days grow longer, our anticipation for the “release” which the Full Moon brings grows stronger… As you patiently hold your breath in it’s shadow, what blockages are you most anxious to release? What do you most desire to “let go” of? The next video in our Rose Moon series releases on June 20th – on the day of the Full Moon! Not much longer now… Ask an Oranum psychic what “releases” the Rose Moon may hold for you! Visit

The Story of the Rose Moon: Ebb and Flow

As the Rose Moon moves closer, we are all draped under the cover of it’s magnetic pull… What does this “tide” time period signal for you? Are you on the ebb or the flow? The next video in our Rose Moon series releases next Wednesday… Ask an Oranum psychic for clues if you can’t stand the wait 😉 Visit

The Story of the Rose Moon: And So It Begins

Known to most of the world as the “Rose” or “Strawberry” Moon, June’s Full Moon brings an aura of enchantment, intrigue, mystery and sultry, summer emotions… Each week, we will release a new video bringing you closer to the true meaning of the Rose Moon (which will culminate on June 20th), and what it holds in store. The next video releases next Wednesday… Ask an Oranum psychic for clues if you just can’t stand the wait 😉 Visit