
Attract more Love and Success with a REAL Candle Ritual

Altering your mood

Many like to buy candles for scenting a room, creating a relaxing atmosphere, or to “set the mood”. But did you know that when you do this you are indeed working Candle Magic doing a Candle Ritual?!

When you light a candle to scent a room, you are inadvertently using aroma therapy. You are altering your mood and the mood of those around you, or even your own physical well-being. The many fragrances of candles can alter different aspects of your spiritual being.
For example; if you lit a lavender scented candle to relax while you are taking a bubble bath, you are actually performing a ritual, giving yourself a spiritual healing. You are purifying your aura, easing tension, and connecting to your higher consciousness!

The scent of candles will help release any energy blocks. Even better, if you used lavender candles while taking a salt bath, you are purifying your whole being, mentally, physically, emotionally AND spiritually. Of course if you want to make sure your blockages are gone, you can always talk with our Online Psychics.

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Additional uses of candles:

There are still additional uses for candles than just aroma therapy! For example, different colors of candles can be used for different purposes. Let’s just say, that your lavender candle happens to be the color lavender…unheard of, I know! This too, instills the purpose of raising your intuition, promotes healing and peace. What an amazing bubble bath ritual, isn’t it?


So, we have covered what the scent of a candle might do, and what the color of a candle might do, but we must not forget about the flame! I work with multiple divination practices, and candle divination happens to be one of my favorites! The way the flame of your candle burns, can tell us a lot about our spirituality, past and future events, and everything in between!
For instance, if you lit a red candle and focused on bringing love into your life, and the flame was steady, and strong, this would be telling you that the universe will work in your favor and you will receive your wishes quickly. On the other hand, if the candle’s flame is weak and goes out, it is likely that you may not be seeing your desire anytime soon. You should clear your energy and refocus your intentions before trying again with a fresh candle.

Even More…

There are many other things a candle does that we can read, such as the candle might not burn at all! Black or white smoke have a purpose in divination too, even the sound a candle makes can have influence on your answer. Even the melted wax after your candle work can have much to say!

This is all just a warm up to rituals what we can do with candles! All the rest is going to be revealed shortly in our upcoming series in Candle Magic.


There are rituals that can be done where you may need to carve names or symbols into a candle, or you may have to dress it with herbs and oils for spell work. The list goes on and on, and I am afraid that if I get into everything, you may end up reading a novel! Not a totally bad idea, come to think of it!

Candles of all types and their flames are an important aspect in our daily lives on so many different levels. They can tell us so much and help us in many ways. On the same note, they can also hurt us if we use them improperly or negatively.

Do not hesitate, ask for help from a Clairvoyant on All the things hidden will be illuminated

And finally, on a safety note, never leave any candles unattended! Make sure that when you light your candle for the purpose of divination, performing a ritual or spell work, that you are able to contribute the time, as some Candle Magic and spell work requires you to let the candle burn out on its own. But always Remeber to be safe!

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