All posts tagged: Aquarius new moon

Aquarius New Moon

New Moon in Aquarius, 4th of February 2019

Aquarius New Moon The new moon of the 4th of February falls on the 15°45 of Aquarius. As the first new moon after the total lunar eclipse of the 21st of January it is particularly important. New moons mark the start of a new 28 day cycles and are generally favorable for new beginnings, While the previous new moon of the 6th of January was a solar eclipse and as such not very helpful for new ventures, the current one is a great occasion for launching new projects. February is one of the rare occasions when all planets will remain in direct motion during the whole month, thus you can move forward with your plans smoothly. (Remembering the snail – pace of the second half of 2018 dictated by the multiple retrogrades, this can be a real blessing) It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Furthermore, Aquarius is a future-orientated sign, associated with the collective, the ideals, projects, friends, supporters, social concerns, group activities, broader perspective. The new moon …