All posts tagged: Atlantis

Shocking Secrets of Atlantis! Read careful!

Last great civilization? Many believe that the Ancient Egyptians were the last Great High civilization on the planet, but upon studying the Atlantis theory, I became aware of hints of another even greater power, that came before the Ancient Egyptians. A Psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an Oranum Psychic today for FREE! Plato Many have looked at the planet, to discover where Atlantis would have been situated. Even in Plato’s time, fragments of this lost land were being hunted and collected. Had Plato unwittingly turned a collection of facts into a tale that would capture millions of people’s attention for hundreds of years to come? Plato, who was a great storyteller, took information from his mother’s cousin, Critias and turned it into a tale, which portended to Atlantis, a great civilization from the past. Plato had gained this knowledge by word of mouth from his cousin and retold it to many, so he was not directly responsible for its source. A beautiful tale It was a tale of a …