All posts tagged: choosing partner

choosing partner

Choosing a partner…

Choosing partner – desire  The idea of love can be shattered, when after being married, things do not go according to the Prince and Princess rules. There is a certain energy when choosing partner and in the beginning of all relationships, where both parties are experiencing intrigue and excitement about their partners. The desire to know a person sexually, but also fear of being trapped with a partner, who does not match up to their expectations, after marriage. Any relationship can quickly turn to feelings of being let down, or trapped. The general preparation of an outfit before a date seems so important in the beginning. Just choosing correctly can leave a person standing in front of the mirror wondering, which is the best thing to wear? I am sure nobody thinks in two years time, I will not even be bothered, if my partner likes what I am wearing or not. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  The excitement can quickly disappear from a relationship, if you …