All posts tagged: Clearing energies

cleanse negative energy

How can you cleanse negative energy from a place?

Cleaning cannot simply stop with decluttering. You should also clean the negative energy that your house has absorbed. The negative energy could have been a result of negative thoughts/emotions, arguments or life stress that got you down. You don’t want that bad energy still vibrating around your house, downing everyone’s spirits. It’s time to cleanse negative energy! Here’s how you go about it: Discard things you no longer need – Our possessions contain their own energy. The older the possession, the stronger the energy. Don’t hoard unwanted things and unwanted energy, you’re limiting space for the new in your life. If you’ve outgrown a belonging, relinquish it. You’ll notice yourself feel better. Cleanse negative energy – Burn incense – Aromatherapy is good for our mind and soul. The fragrance from incense elevates energy levels and creates a calm and nurturing atmosphere. Don’t keep broken objects – It’s bad feng shui. Broken objects hold negative energy and symbolize stagnancy. If something doesn’t work or is broken in your home, have it fixed. It will automatically improve …

Clearing past karma

Clearing Past Karma – Tips for you

Clearing past karma – the idea of karma The idea of “karma” is often misrepresented. Many people interpret it as “do good and good will happen” or “do bad and bad will happen.” However, this is an erroneous and simplistic interpretation of the karmic concept. And clearing past karma is an even more compound topic. Karma is an Indian concept that simply discusses the idea of cause and effect. It is the belief that all actions have consequences and reactions. So, in a way, the interpretation above is true. However, things aren’t all that easy. Even if you did do good, people can still do bad things to you. In fact, bad things can happen for no logical reason. Karma isn’t just limited to actions. It also applies to thoughts and words. So, the big question now is – how can we keep our karma good? Also, how do we get rid of past negative karma? Well, here are a few tips to help you out. These tips will help you clear out all your …

clearing energies

5 Ways to Ground and Clear Discordant Energies

Clearing energies I receive a lot of questions regarding how to Ground and clear out discordant, negative, energies that reside in the body. Here are my top 5 ways to Ground out and clear the Discordant energy in your body. Clearing energies #5 – Dance! Nothing is better than turning on your favorite song, and dancing like nobody is watching. Dancing also provides a nice dusting of your chakras. Through dancing, you let the creative energies you are creating move freely throughout your body. These energies clear out discordant energies, and ground you back into your body. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Clearing energies #4 – Buy New Shoes! Have you ever wondered what a rubber soled shoe does to your bodies grounding energies? Rubber, which is in in the soles of most shoes, is know as an “Energy absorber and Blocker.” Due to this, your grounding energies can get blocked and unable to connect to the earth. Next time you buy new shoes, look for a …