All posts tagged: clearing past karma

Clearing past karma

Clearing Past Karma – Tips for you

Clearing past karma – the idea of karma The idea of “karma” is often misrepresented. Many people interpret it as “do good and good will happen” or “do bad and bad will happen.” However, this is an erroneous and simplistic interpretation of the karmic concept. And clearing past karma is an even more compound topic. Karma is an Indian concept that simply discusses the idea of cause and effect. It is the belief that all actions have consequences and reactions. So, in a way, the interpretation above is true. However, things aren’t all that easy. Even if you did do good, people can still do bad things to you. In fact, bad things can happen for no logical reason. Karma isn’t just limited to actions. It also applies to thoughts and words. So, the big question now is – how can we keep our karma good? Also, how do we get rid of past negative karma? Well, here are a few tips to help you out. These tips will help you clear out all your …