All posts tagged: Crystals

The Manifestation Stone

The Manifestation Stone – Everything You Need to Know About Citrine

What if we told you that there’s a stone that can help you achieve all your wildest dreams? Well, we’re happy to report that there is one! Meet Citrine – or as some people like to call it – the manifestation stone. This light-amber-toned stone is associated with wealth, prosperity, and success. If you need a little push to get you one step closer to your goals, try snagging a piece of this crystal to get you to the finish line! Truth be told, Citrine is quite rare, and chances are the rocks sitting on the shelf in your local crystal shop aren’t the real deal. The unique yellowish shade it has is created when traces of iron merge in quartz during the crystallization process. This same color can be replicated by heating amethyst. Therefore, if you see authentic Citrine know that it is scarce and will probably come with a bigger expense than the amethyst variety. While it’s sometimes referred to as the manifestation stone, it is also called the “Merchant’s Stone.” This is …

The Best Crystals for Aries

Aries Season Antidotes: The Best Crystals for Aries

We all know Aries to be driven, bold, and independent when it comes to almost every aspect of their lives. It’s no wonder that this powerful fire sign’s ruling time coincides with the astrological New Year, making them first sign of the zodiac (since they have a passion for coming in first place). While they don’t lack passion and motivation, they can use certain crystals to help enhance their determined and sometimes impatient nature. Let’s take a dip into our top picks for best crystals for Aries!  Best Crystals for Aries  Red Jasper:  A huge booster to balancing aggressions is Red Jasper! This reddish stone gets the job done, just like an Aries! When this fire sign decides to arm themselves with Red Jasper, they create a powerful match and can accomplish their goals with class and sophistication. For best results, rub this stone before engaging in challenging or difficult discussions!   Aquamarine:  If you are looking to balance out your fiery energy, look no further than Aquamarine. Aries are known to sometimes have short fuses and this greenish stone can serve as the perfect anecdote. Therefore, we rank it highly as one of the best crystals for Aries. When they feel themselves unable to deal with the shortcoming of those around them, they need some Aquamarine. This stone will take away their tense energy …

Crystals for Capricorns

The Best Crystals for Capricorns

Capricorns are quite dominant and driven, there is no doubt about that! It’s no wonder that this powerful Earth sign’s ruling time coincides with the New Year and resolutions (since have no problem following through with their dreams and wants). While they don’t lack motivation, they can use certain crystals to help enhance their successful and determined nature. Let’s take a dive into our topic, best crystals for Capricorns:  Citrine:  A huge booster of manifestation, creativity, and earning potential is citrine. This yellowish-translucent stone gets the job done, just like a Capricorn! When a Cap decides to arm themselves with citrine, they create a powerful match and can accomplish their goals confidently. For best results, envision what your dream life will feel like while rubbing your stone!   Emerald:  If you are looking for the perfect balance of love and earth energy, look no further than an emerald. Capricorns are known to sometimes have short fuses and this green stone can serve as the perfect anecdote. When they feel themselves, bursting or unable to deal with the in competencies of those around them, they need …

Spiritual holiday gift guide

Spiritual Holiday Gift Guide with Psychic Leelahel

Now that the season has changed, new ideas are forming. Among them what you’ll be gifting that very special witch in your life. The intention is to amaze, impress, and get you kissed. The most memorable gifts are often the ones imbued with the personal objective to delight and meet a need – and that is what we will set out to do with this spiritual holiday gift guide! As you wrap all the items together, envision your witchy friend using them to seek personal power, happiness, and to protect from any unwanted low energy. Here are a few ideas to get you through the holiday season: Crystals: Angel Aura Quartz: Uplifting, joy. Inner peace.Clear quartz: Amplify intentionObsidian: Truth-enhancing protective stone. Shields against negativity.Selenite stick: Protects from outside influences. For good luck and clear sight. Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Boost your Love life with the help of genuine Psychic advice! Herbs: Cinnamon: For money and passion Lavender: To soothe. Eases nervous tension and stress. Rose: Nourishes skin. Rosemary: Banishing, cleansing, honesty, protection. Vervain: Dreams, healing, peace Many herb purposes can fuel others, take a close look at what works well together and …


Crystals for Happiness and Protection

Crystals resonate with their individual energies that can help us. Here are some crystals to use when trying to improve happiness or provide for personal protection. Hematite This reflective shiny crystal is black in appearance and is associated with the Root Chakra. Hematite brings focus and coherence to scattered thoughts and fragmented emotions. The ancient Babylonians believed that Hematite was able to impart justice and bring good results in lawsuits. Using Hematite as a seal of protection was thought to have brought destruction to one’s enemies. Ancient warriors carried the stone into battle because by tradition it granted strength and readiness. Considered one of the most powerful stones for grounding, Hematite can repel negative energy. Wearing hematite is believed to help repel negative energies. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Clear Quartz From “crystal clear” to a milky white, Clear Quartz is one of the most prolific crystals. As anyone who works with high tech electronics will tell you, quartz is an excellent amplifier of energy. Considered good for healing and …

Crystals for Love and Relationships

Written By: Dr. Nikki Are you interested in learning about crystals which can help you with your love life? These crystals are not only pretty to look at, they are known to help in all matters of emotion! Ruby The Ruby’s connection with love goes back to ancient history. Egyptians believed it was the stone of love. This beautiful gem’s use in crowns and regalia show its association with royalty; “love rules”. Fidelity has been a part of the Ruby’s influence, and the 40th wedding anniversary is the “Ruby Anniversary.” Love’s appreciation as a higher emotion aligns with the Ruby. It is said that a ruby will darken if an unfaithful lover comes near. The stone of the Root Chakra, the Ruby is also associated with sensual pleasures and physical passion. Wearing a ruby can increase sexual attraction. Rose Quartz Rose quartz beads have been dated back to the Mesopotamian culture, over 7,000 years ago. Considered by many to be the ultimate stone of love, the soft pink color and delicate beauty of rose quartz …

How to Care For and Use Your Crystals

Written By: Dr. Nikki These days, it seems like everyone is going wild over crystals. Their power and special meanings are nothing new, but their appeal in popular culture seems to have taken over the mainstream. So where should you begin? How do you even get started? Let me help you out with a few crystal basics. Choosing: Few of us have the option of going to mines and digging out our own crystals. Thankfully, New Age shops, specialized crystal sellers, and rock and gem shows are all excellent places to find crystals. It is always a good idea to get as much information about the crystal you are buying as possible, such as the type (clusters, single points, etc.), and where it comes from. Natural stones are always better, while manmade crystals tend to be less expensive. A crystal ball is great for scrying, a single or dual point is used for healing work, and a cluster is fantastic for a meditative focus. Clear Quartz, which occurs worldwide, is a good first stone as it has …