All posts tagged: depression

Talk about depression

Talk about depression from a spiritual point of view now

Emotions such as being moody or sad are an integral part of life. It is even more prevalent feeling among the youth as they are surrounded by worrisome life events like conflicts with friends or family, relocating house or changing schools, or even examinations. Lets talk about depression now. At times when this feeling of sadness prolongs for several months or weeks, it can have a significant impact on the person’s everyday life. However, the good news is that spirituality can alleviate the suffering and pain of a depressed person. Additionally, spirituality offers the affected individual to hold on to something. Spiritualism can also give a feeling of comfort to a depressed person so that they feel they are definitely not alone. The spiritual practice offers a channel to all these people to have more positivity in their lives. Here are some of the top symptoms, which may indicate that a person is suffering from depression: ·         Feeling exhaustion or fatigue ·         Grumpy or irritable ·         Excessive eating or lack of interest in food ·         Gaining or losing weight …


How Spirituality Heals Depression

How Spirituality Heals Depression It doesn’t feel great when you’re sad. Now, imagine being diagnosed with depression. Depression is a sad day multiplied by a million with no certain end to it. This is exactly why many who are diagnosed with the psychological condition strive to and hopefully do everything indeed in order to find cure for their state of being. Of course, we have modern medicine to help us out. But how effective is modern medicine? Not very many confirms it is very effective in this case. The “cure” is often temporary and limited to the physical self. Depression is more than just a physical condition. There is a spiritual component that modern science might tend to ignore unfortunately. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true psychic reading!  Studies have shown that depression, along with other psychological conditions, increase when there is a decline in religious or spiritual observance. On the other hand, people who are spiritual tend to be healthier on a physical, emotional, and psychological level. Depression is reportedly …