All posts tagged: numerology overview

Lucky number

Here Is How to Get Your Personal Lucky Number

Lucky number – guidance A person’s lucky number can go a long way in influencing your life positively. But, how do you identify your lucky number? Well, we’ve attempted to offer some guidance via this blog. You see, your lucky numbers are primarily derived from your date of birth. However, your date of birth itself is divided into two categories – the “Birth number” and the “Life Path Number”. The former is a single digit total of your birth date, while the latter is a single digital total of the day, month, and year on which you were born. This might sound very confusing, but we’ll simplify it for you using an example. Let’s say your birth date is 16.09.1995. Here your “Birth Number” can be derived by adding the two digits in your birth date i.e. 16. So, 1+6 = 7. 7 is your Birth Number. Lucky number – Life path number Now, to calculate your “Life Path Number”, we simply add the day, month, and year you were born in. So, that is 1+6+0+9+1+9+9+5 …

Numerology overview

An overview of Numerology

Numerology overview – experience When we are born here, we are given a name and we are born exactly in one specific day, year and month. Your name has letters and letters are equal to numbers in numerology. The way that these numbers appear based on your name have a meaning. You will see that a numerology overview of these numbers can help a lot! The most important number that plays the biggest role in your life is your destiny number. To get your destiny number you have to add all the numbers in your date of birth. The other very important number is your Name number; which is the sum of numbers calculated from your name. Yes, I was like you… I never believed in astrology or numerology until I made my own life map and I was amazed by how accurate the details I was given were. A few numbers told so much about my past and my present. After that amazing experience I calculated the numbers of all people I knew and …