All posts tagged: psychic reading

Weekly horoscopes

Spring Fling with the Future: Jupiter and Uranus Align for Prosperity and Progress

Spring brings not only warmer weather but also a powerful astrological event: the meeting of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and fortune, and Uranus, the awakener of change and innovation. The long-awaited conjunction will occur on April 21 at 21°24′ Taurus, opening the next 14-year cycle of prosperity, expansion, and innovation. Jupiter and Uranus are some of the best cosmic pals around. Both are brimming with optimism, a thirst for adventure, and a restless urge to push boundaries to pursue life’s greater possibilities. They crave freedom, new ideas, and exploration, but patience and practicality aren’t exactly their strong suits. There are also some differences in the way they manifest. Because Jupiter’s orbit is within Saturn, it is rooted in tradition. While it loves change, it prefers growth within established structures. On the other hand, Uranus, a trans-Saturnian planet, is the ultimate rule breaker, a maverick who thrives on shaking things up. This can be a double-edged sword. It’s fantastic for dismantling outdated systems, but sometimes that rebellious streak can lead us to throw out the …

Weekly Love Horoscope from April 15- April 21, 2024

Nurturing and affection are the main themes of Monday’s Cancer Moon, but romance gets more passionate on Tuesday and Wednesday with the Lunar Goddess in Leo. Past flames may reappear midweek when Mercury retrograde joins Venus in Aries, and the Moon in Virgo helps you determine whether or not rekindling is a wise decision. On Friday, the Sun moves into Taurus, and Jupiter joins Uranus in the same sign. This lucky mix supports financial growth, but sensual peak experiences may also be in the cards, especially with Mars in Pisces positively involved. However, on Sunday, when the Sun clashes with Pluto in Aquarius, the desire for commitment and security will be tricky to reconcile with the need for freedom. Still, the Moon, already in Libra, will help lovers find the perfect balance. Enjoy Oranum’s weekly love horoscopes. Select your sign! Aries             Taurus            Gemini Cancer             Leo                   Virgo Libra         Scorpio      …

Weekly Horoscopes

Horoscope Hebdomadaire Du lundi 15 au dimanche 21 avril 2024

Le Soleil fait son entrée le 19 dans le signe du Taureau. Pour les signes de Terre (Taureau-Vierge-Capricorne), c’est un meilleur ancrage dans la réalité. Il met l’accent sur la stabilité, la persévérance et la recherche de la sécurité matérielle. Pour les signes de Feu (Bélier-Lion-Sagittaire), le Soleil ajoute une touche de passion, de chaleur et de détermination. Les signes d’Eau (Cancer-Scorpion-Poissons), sont plus émotifs et sensibles.  Les natifs ressentent un savant mélange entre une intuition toujours plus affinée et des qualités pragmatiques et matérialistes affirmées. Les signes d’Air (Gémeaux-Balance-Verseau), voient leur communication s’améliorer tout comme leur sens de la réflexion plus bénéfique. Le 21, Jupiter et Uranus se rencontrent dans le signe du Taureau. Cette conjonction marque un grand changement, un bouleversement majeur pour tout un chacun dans le domaine où la conjonction se produira. Votre horoscope hebdomadaire vous en détaillera les grandes tendances.  Bélier             Taureau            Gémeaux Cancer             Lion                   Vierge Balance         Scorpion        Sagittaire Capricorne       Verseau     …

A personalized deck of of tarot cards spread out on a table

Weekly General Horoscope from April 15 – April 21, 2024

Enjoy Oranum’s weekly horoscopes. Choose your sign and see what the stars have in store for you! Affectionate, nurturing vibes prevail on Monday as the Moon, still in Cancer, cuddles with Mars and Neptune in Pisces. Things get more playful and adventurous on Tuesday and Wednesday when the Lunar Goddess in Leo winks at the planets in Aries. Resuming a creative project and working out the finer details can be especially rewarding on Thursday when Mercury retrograde joins Venus in the Ram sign, and the Moon arrives in Virgo. On Friday, the Sun moves into Taurus, adding to the lucky streak heralded by the weekend’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This pairing promises creative breakthroughs and abundance throughout the month, but snagging the best opportunities will be easier while Mars in Pisces befriends the two planets. Though the Sun’s Sunday clash with Pluto in Aquarius may tempt you to go a little overboard, the Moon, already in Libra, reminds you of the importance of balance and moderation. Enjoy Oranum’s weekly horoscopes. Select your sign! Aries       …

Weekly Horoscopes

 Mois d’avril 2024 Horoscope Mensuel 

C’est pour tous les signes un mois particulièrement important sur le plan astrologique. En effet, la période est marquée par une rencontre exceptionnelle entre Jupiter et Uranus dans le signe du taureau. Les deux précédentes conjonctions en Taureau ont eu lieu le 3 mai 1858et le 8 mai 1941. La prochaine rencontre dans le signe se produira le 7 avril 2107.  La configuration de ces deux planètes allie le caractère d’expansivité soudaine, d’innovation et d’autorité aux facultés sainement expansives et généreuses de Jupiter. Tout compromis ou alliance quelconque de Jupiter et d’Uranus présentent certains dangers. Ladite conjonction est appuyée par une dissonance entre le Soleil et Pluton. Un gros crash économique, un événement destructeur en termes de conflit, une catastrophe naturelle est possible. Sur un plan plus individuel, le duo Jupiter/Uranus marque un changement majeur dans le secteur ou la Maison astrologique de votre thème natal personnel.  Bélier        Taureau            Gémeaux Cancer             Lion                   Vierge Balance         Scorpion      …

Weekly horoscopes

Mars’ journey through Aquarius:  Channel Your Inner Rebel!

2024 February 13 – March 23 From February 13 to March 23, 2024, Mars, the fiery planet of action and assertiveness, rallies through Aquarius, the sign of innovation, freedom, and revolution. Expect the unexpected, think outside the box, enjoy the wild ride, yet channel wisely your inner rebel!   Under this transit, you’ll crave connection with those who respect your need for space and freedom, and your thirst for intellectual stimulation and social consciousness rises. You enjoy your friends’ company, rally around noble causes, and stand up for the underdog. Outside-the-box ideas, creativity, innovation, and scientific and technical interest are also hallmarks of this influence. However, excessive rebelliousness and pushing boundaries too far can backfire. Be mindful that Mars is forming dynamic aspects this year; thus, high energy levels need conscious management and a healthy dose of mindfulness. Strive to find creative outlets for your inner reformer or revolutionary instead of impulsive actions. Aquarius is known for its unpredictable nature, so periods of intense activity alternate with unexpected lulls. Thus, brilliant ideas might not always translate …

Weekly Horoscopes

When Desire Meets Drive: Harnessing the Power of Transit Venus-Mars Conjunctions

According to the astrological cookbooks, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, conjoining Mars, the warrior of passion and desire, is a surefire recipe for epic romance. While this potent pairing can indeed ignite passion, it also impacts other areas of life and attitudes beyond love relationships.  Like any other astrological transit, Venus-Mars combinations play out uniquely depending on your birth chart, the signs involved, and other planetary influences. In a relationship context, the cosmic lovers’ meeting can sometimes indicate love-at-first-sight encounters leading to lasting commitments. The atmosphere can be more passionate or more reserved, depending on the elements and signs in which the conjunction occurs. But not all love stories are fairy tales! When other cosmic forces are involved, rivalries or love triangles can overshadow the idyll. Venus-Mars Conjunctions in Fire Signs: Bold desires and daring adventures When Venus joins Mars in Fire signs, sparks fly, hearts race, and passion burns bright. Spontaneity trumps practicality, and adventure beckons like a siren song, regardless of relationship status. The cosmic lovers’ dance in Aries may bring a whirlwind …