All posts tagged: tarot system

Connection between the Tarot and Astrology

Tarot system – History of Tarot The history of the Tarot system is very interesting and probably came about around 1438 and was made popular by the Italian card game called Tarocchi, which is still played around the world and is a lot like bridge. It wasn’t until the tarot made its way to France that it was perfected by Attaia, who is said to be the first tarot reader in France, as it quickly found popularity in Marseilles. Over the years, it has had many changes and meanings assigned to it from catholic, pagan and other religious aspects assigned to it. Therefore, tarot veered away from its original form founded in Italy. Many people assimilated these religious elements to the cards which altered the cards and their astrological meaning. For example, the Emperor card = Capricorn energy; however, many cards have lost their original astrological meanings. Another example would be cups, which generally dealt with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio energy. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one …