All posts tagged: yearly horoscope

How to recognize a Cheater and get over it?

Dark feelings? Feelings of jealousy come when we sense our partner’s attention divert towards another person. These dark feelings can strike us almost instantly and be accompanied with anger. Naturally this does not necessarily mean that our partner is a cheater. However indeed for some people, it is a slippery slope to doom and destruction, which they cannot get off of, until they hit rock bottom. The feeling of a happy relationship disappears and is replaced with a lower negative earthy quality, which is more resembling to business partners than lovers. This can drive a sensitive person to depression and even outbursts of sadness, as they battle with the negative vibrations, which they are suddenly struck by. Not feeling gorgeous enough to hold your partner’s attention is more common than you think. Or sensing that your partners are weak in their faithfulness and imagining they are prone to being unfaithful, can be another awkward position to find yourself in. Cheater? Or tricks of the mind The mind can play all sorts of tricks but oranum …