All posts filed under: Astrology


Curious about astrology and what is written in the stars? How they influence your daily life? What it all means? Get an astrology report or a read your Horoscope!

The cosmos holds the answers you need! Chat with one of our stellar astrologists on and find out what the stars have in store for you. Our astrologers are skilled in providing general chart readings, love horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and sign compatibility readings. Don’t take our word for it, try a psychic reading and experience total clarity today!

If you need of information about what is going to happen to you, check your zodiac sign now!

Connection between the Tarot and Astrology

Tarot system – History of Tarot The history of the Tarot system is very interesting and probably came about around 1438 and was made popular by the Italian card game called Tarocchi, which is still played around the world and is a lot like bridge. It wasn’t until the tarot made its way to France that it was perfected by Attaia, who is said to be the first tarot reader in France, as it quickly found popularity in Marseilles. Over the years, it has had many changes and meanings assigned to it from catholic, pagan and other religious aspects assigned to it. Therefore, tarot veered away from its original form founded in Italy. Many people assimilated these religious elements to the cards which altered the cards and their astrological meaning. For example, the Emperor card = Capricorn energy; however, many cards have lost their original astrological meanings. Another example would be cups, which generally dealt with Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio energy. A psychic can give you the authentic reading you’ve always longed for. Look one …

The Scorpio Full Moon of the 10th of May

Full Moon in Scorpio The Scorpio Full Moon (Scorpio 20°24′) of the 10th of May offers an excellent opportunity to restore anything important but currently in a state of decay in your life. By listening to your gut instincts and intuition you can complete the positive transformations starting with the April 26 new moon. Inner and outer healing, regeneration are further benefits you will most probably experience. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! However the strongly positioned Pluto indicates that success is not for granted. It requires a combination of good intuition, awareness, strength, persistence, and strife. Pluto is still a part of the explosive Cardinal T- Square (between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto), a challenging aspect which caused so many dramatic changes in 2013 -2014, then in the first quarter of 2017. Volatility, breakdowns, power struggles, dramatic clashes are still part of the process. The Mars – Neptune square warns about confusion, deception, self-deception caused either by wishful thinking or by the dominance of intellect …

ASTROLOGY; prediction or prejudice?

Believe it or not… People tend to believe what they want to believe. This is regardless of whether they are cynical scientists or faithful religious devotees. We all have a tendency to search out all the anecdotes, data and facts that will bolster, buttress and support our belief systems. Is astrology just a placebo that reassures and comforts us, helping us get through the daily grind of nine to five? It has been researched and established in many surveys that the most read pages of a newspaper are the astrology section, live letters and agony aunts. They are read by many people who profess not to believe in them, but still read them. This is because we are fascinated with the subject. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! Is astrology accurate? James Randi the great debunker of all things psychic, contests the validity of astrology. In a controlled environment, a professional astrologer was given the charts of twelve people all with different birth signs and asked to predict …

Use Pluto’s Retrograde Power to Your Advantage!

Pluto turns retrograde Little Pluto turns retrograde (which means it appears to move backwards as observed from here on Earth) in Capricorn at 8:49 am EST on Thursday, April 20. For a dwarf planet on the outer edges of our solar system, Pluto can sure serve a big punch in your chart. While all signs feel the effects, the impact of the retrograde will be stronger if you an Aries, Cancer or Libra. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Classified as a small dwarf, Pluto’s impact is no less than that of any of the other planets’! How can you use this energy to your best advantage? Accept and trust the process of change. It is inescapable, the change is going to happen anyway, so accepting it and flowing with the energy rather than fighting it is best. Signifying where circumstances are beyond control and inevitable, Pluto teaches you about the highs and lows through processes in life. Named after the Roman God of the Underworld, Pluto rules of the …

The Astrological New Year is Here! Today is Spring Equinox

Did you know the New Year has just begun? Our calendar is doing fine, don’t worry! But in astrological terms, the Spring Equinox, on March 20 is the actual, proper and official beginning of a new year. There is a certain vibrant energy in the air, and just like nature, you shed your covers as well. Everyone and everything is getting ready for a fresh new start. Seeds are being planted, and let your imagination run wild too:  the internalized burning, the logs in the fireplace, the last minutes of Pisces are replaced with an outburst of passion, vitality and uncontrollable energy: this is the month of Aries, ruled by Mars, the Red Planet, so get ready – anything is possible. Do you want to know what opportunities the Spring Equinox has in stock for you? Ask a Live Psychic for FREE to reveal important information right now!

Full Moon Report – Be prepared for the Full Moon on March 12

Full Moon in the sign of Virgo The Full Moon on March 12th will be in the sign of Virgo and will bring about increased tension in general. All the relationships that are stressful to you will become even more upsetting and it is of extreme importance that you find solutions during this period that are lasting and help you keep balanced and level-headed until the upcoming New Moon. All the problems that come to the surface can only be resolved properly if you find their core roots. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! A meaningful and deep analysis can lead to positive changes, finally guiding you to peace and harmony. Periods of Full Moons always highlight the polarities in one’s life. During these periods you are forced to find the balance between things that work and those that do not. You have to be careful not to lose your temper while your inner pressure keeps increasing. Chances of conflicts are higher during these days as tension reaches sky-high …

How will the Solar Eclipse on the 26th of February affect you?

Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017 Have you been feeling an odd energy surrounding you these past few days? Have you been feeling anxious and uncertain, maybe you have even been having headaches?  Well, all these can be explained with the movements up in the sky.  The great moments of the Solar eclipse ahead of us will be blessings in disguise. The full moon on February 11th was a lunar eclipse which focused on relationships of all kinds.  The Sun reached its peak opposite the Moon during this lunar eclipse.  This allowed us to take an objective and balanced look at our close personal relationships.  It got us in touch with our own needs and intentions, and gave us a chance to candidly look at others in our lives, and allowed us to clearly see the relationship imbalances which were causing us disharmony. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! The full moon eclipse reset our emotions, clearing away all the …

Chinese New Year – Year of the Rooster

Did you know that Chinese New Year begins tomorrow? What can you expect from the Rooster in 2017 and what will this year bring to you? Find all the answers right now by reading our article. History of the Chinese New Year According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the “Year”. At the night of New Year’s Eve, the “Year” comes out to harm people, animals, and properties. Later people have realized that the Monster is afraid of the color red, also fire, and loud noises. Therefore, for self-protection, people formed the habit of posting red Dui Lian in front of their house as well as launching fireworks, and hanging lanterns at the end of the year. If you believe the truth can come to closer and faster to you than you’d ever thought, contact a psychic for FREE! Did you know the date for the Chinese New Year is different every year? The difference is based on the first day of the year …


Supermoon in Gemini – Aug 22, 2017 – How will it effect You?

Are you ready for the upcoming Supermoon? It is important to learn how it will effect your personal life. The upcoming astrological event, which is certainly worthy of it’s name, of the next Full Moon on the 14th of December falls into the airy sign of Gemini. Supermoon! Please note that this is actually going to be another Super Moon which perfectly fits the series of Super Moons that we have been experiencing in the recent past. The next days will hold a powerful and marvelous opportunity to help you recognize those areas in your lives that are in need of change. To help you understand the effects of these happenings correctly, let us clarify that this means that the areas of your life where balance has not yet been accomplished perfectly will very likely come into focus. Remember that everything in this world exists to support you in order to improve yourself and these celestial events always affect our lives beneficially. It is worthwhile to be aware of such emphatic events to be able …

Full Sturgeon Moon: What It Means

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose August 18, 2016 – 05:27 AM (EDT) , 09:27 UTC Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon) Lunar Eclipse falls at 25° Aquarius The August Moon is known as the Barley Moon – or the Grain Moon – since at the height of the harvest farmers could work long days into the night by the light of the moon. As described in the 16th century English edition of ‘The Shepherd’s Calendar,” “Persephone, virgin Goddess of rebirth, carries a sheaf of barley as a symbol of the harvest.” This year, it’s especially auspicious with a penumbral eclipse, and although not a full eclipse (since it will barely be touching the edge of Earth’s shadow), it can be considered a potent full moon. The Sun will later transition into Virgo – bringing with it a time of rest and an ability to enjoy the fruits of your labors. The full moon for  August is also commonly known as the Full Sturgeon Moon (American Colonial); established during a time when the Native American fishing tribes of the Great …