Numerology Part 1: Numbers and Their Meanings
Numbers can help Just as certain traits are assigned to astrological signs, your number can help you to learn a lot about whom you are, whom you are compatible with, and so much more. Just by doing some simple addition you can have a vital and valuable secret tool in your toolbox – Numerology. Over the next four weeks, I will be presenting a series of articles about Numerology and how you can put it to work for you in your daily life. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Week 1 (this week): “Numbers and Their Meanings” Week 2: How to compute your numbers Week 3: How to use numerology in your career Week 4 (conclusion): Numbers and love. Since before the time of Pythagoras (yeah, the ancient Greek dude), each of the individual numbers 1 through 9, along with the “super” numbers which were added later, all have specific meanings. Here are the keywords that are associated with the individual numbers along with a short …