All posts tagged: Aquarius profile

Aquarius Profile

The Aquarius Profile: How to Interact with the Aquarians in Your Life

Air signs are known to have a fluctuating nature and Aquarians are no exception. Born between January 20 and February 18 and ruled by Uranus, this mystifying sign is a real marvel to behold. These forward-thinkers have an eccentric flair and aren’t worried about standing out from the pack when it comes to their thoughts and beliefs. Much like the element of air itself, they cannot fit easily into one single category and hard to contain. While some can be energetic and bright one moment, others can be quiet and gentle. One thing is certain when interacting with an Aquarian, you must keep an open mind. The 11th sign of the zodiac can fit into many different roles. Let’s dig into the Aquarius profile and the kinds of Aquarians you may encounter in life.    Reach out to our astrologers for compatibility readings today! Aquarius profile – Working with an Aquarius   What better place to start than the workplace? Working with an Aquarius can be a great joy if you are not stationed in a highly stressful environment. Aquarians like to keep things nice and breezy and don’t do well …