All posts tagged: conjunction

Venus Mars conjunction

Be prepared for Venus – Mars conjunction

Venus Mars conjunction – intensive feelings The Venus Mars conjunction of the 5th of October occurs on the 19°02′ of Virgo. On the same day there is also a potent full moon in Aries. Full moons bring to culmination the processes started during the previous new moon (see my article about the new moon in Virgo on the 20th of September ) Emotions and instincts also reach their peak. The simultaneous conjunction between Mars and Venus gives even more intensity to the feelings. Get a genuine psychic reading to get closer to the truth! If you are single you will be driven by a strong urge during these days to find a special one. Since both Mars and Venus are in the earthy Virgo, even if you were shy before, you will be ready to take practical steps to meet Mr. or Ms Right. Although it is not exact, Venus and Mars oppose Neptune, which indicates that certain romantic ideals have a strong impact on you. If you avoid the traps of Neptunian illusions and self-delusions, this aspect …