Transformations will bring new growth and stability
All about the Cosmic influences 9th of May. The first half of May is a good time for well thought out changes in the areas of your life that are no longer working. However, gratification doesn’t come right away. It is a long process and it will require conscious efforts, patience and willingness to start from the bottom and to make some sacrifices. The 9th of May is a particularly significant day, when some planetary aspects related to these changes perfect and speed up the process of transformation. These cosmic influences will be active during the whole week. When there is no way to cope, ask help from an online astrologer! In one way or another the changes are generated by pressure as Venus makes a square with Saturn and Pluto. Simultaneously a Venus – Jupiter trine eases up the tension. The former aspect perfects on the 7th of May, the later two on the 9th. Cosmic influences 9th of May – Challenging Venus – Saturn transits tend to be a sobering time regarding our …