All posts tagged: deal with uncertainity

Deal with Uncertainty

How to Deal with Uncertainty: Six Tips to Cope with the Unknown

Life is full of unforeseen events and circumstance. Now more than ever (hello, COVID-19) we are all-too-familiar with the anxiety and stress that uncertainty can bring into your life. Even with ample planning and strategizing, encountering experiences that you were not prepared to face is inescapable. These uncomfortable moments in life seem to be mandatory for everyone regardless of their social or economic status. While it is a natural human instinct to want agency over your surroundings, this isn’t always possible. Even though life can throw unexpected curveballs at you, we believe that it never hurts to have a strategy in place to protect your peace. That’s why we’ve created some helpful tips to deal with uncertainty and guide you along your journey with the unknown: Want to change your lifestyle? Talk to a Spiritual Advisor now! Be Gentle with Yourself. Everyone handles ambiguities in different ways. Some people have less trouble coping with uncertainties than others, so it is important to be kind to yourself while you navigate this trying time. It is also helpful to not compare your experience to those around you. Everyone …