All posts tagged: eclipses

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

Major Trends in Astrology for 2021

There is no doubt that 2020 was quite a challenging year, when we had to face some extreme changes to our reality. The profound transformations will continue in 2021, but there are significant differences. Here are some of the major trends in Astrology for 2021. One of the most important is that the heavy and restrictive Capricorn energy is replaced by innovative Aquarian vibes. Aquarius is an air sign, characterized by open-mindedness, revolutionary spirit, altruism, an urge to be free from all limitations and inhibitions. It is independent, original, witty, imaginative, bizarre, and objective; a rational, aloof mind.   The Great Conjunction: Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius?  On the day of the winter solstice of 2020 Jupiter joined Saturn on the 0°29′ of Aquarius. According to traditional astrologers, Jupiter – Saturn cycles starting with the conjunction of the two planets are the most important celestial factors shaping the course of history. These two planets are known as the “Great Chronocrators” or rulers of the ages. As Nicholas Campion states in his famous Mundane Astrology textbook “Their cycle can be considered the …