All posts tagged: healing ritual

Take advantage of next two week’s Rituals!

You should not miss a healing ritual especially if it is presented by an acknowledged, experienced and renowned Psychic on online! Grab this opportunity and change your life for good today! NikkiR: Dates of my healing ritual: 29th of March and the 6th of April. I am currently working with an Intention Ritual.  Intentions and Affirmations are something I talk about with many clients but this Intention Ritual allows me to consciously help develop a specific Intention with a client.  Once the Intention is developed, I use Reiki to empower and activate the Intention within the individual.  I ask the client to continue working with the specific Intention and report the results back to me over time.  The Intention Ritual creates confidence within the client to be able to do this for themselves.  My Alignment with the Intention gives it strength.  Working together to envision a more powerful and meaning life experience creates Universal Resonance.  With our thoughts and words we create our world. If you believe the truth can come to closer and …