All posts tagged: horoscope

The Hamsa

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Hamsa

The Hamsa Hand is an ancient amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths, it is a protective sign. It brings it’s owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. “Ask and you shall receive.” “Knock and the door will open.” In general this symbol represents strength, power and protection. However, it can just as easily mean generosity, hospitality and stability. The palm-shaped amulet is popular in the Middle East as well as North Africa and commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings too. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! The Hamsa image has been used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, and it is believed by some, – predominantly Muslims and Jews – to provide defense against the evil eye. The hand is a very famous and striking symbol that has been used in many countries for the past thousand years. You can see it in jewelry and art. Over the years, Hamsa hand symbol spread to different regions and matured into an integral part of …

love languages

Does Cupid really exist?

Is there such a thing as real love or do humans simply indulge in ritualistic mating? Does a winged cherubic boy with his bow and arrow really go about striking unsuspected people and infecting them with the madness of love? Cupid is nothing but a re-imagination of the Greek god Eros in the Hellenistic Era. So how much of this myth is true and how much is fictional? It depends a lot on your faith in the folktales of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Cupid is just as real. He exists if you believe in him and he’s a figment of popular imagination if you don’t. Is love about to knock on your door? Ask genuine, online Love Psychics Cupid actually has two arrows in his arsenal. One strikes love and the other discord. If you are struck with the love arrow, you become committed to another person struck at the same time forever. If you’re hit with the other arrow, you realize that you are no longer content in the relationship that you’re …

Inner Goddess

6 ways to honor your inner Goddess

In today’s busy, material-focused world, it’s terrifyingly easy to forget to maintain our spiritual connection to the divine from which all blessings flow. For women, it is especially important to connect to their feminine side regularly for that is vital for their mental health and overall happiness. In times past, many cultures understood the importance of divine feminine, and revisiting those traditions may be just the thing we modern women need to regain our balance. Keep reading for the 6 best tips to reconnect with your inner-goddess! Visit genuine, online Psychic advisors now! Prioritize your „ME” time Spending time alone, listening to yourself, and allowing yourself to relax is essential in this rapidly changing world. It’s in these periods of rest that your soul can catch up and can process all the information and events of the last few days. Choosing how you spend your “ME” time is completely up to you. Maybe you enjoy nice afternoon naps, or perhaps you like to mediate before bed. Whatever you choose, be sure to stick to it! …

Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus, 2020

Venus transits Taurus, its home sign this year between the 5th of March – 3rd of April. As Taurus is grounded, practical, warmhearted, able to attract the good things of life, Venus in Taurus is considered to be the best for the planet of love, values and relating. During the coming few weeks you will enjoy the beauties of the spring, financial opportunities may emerge and it can be favorable for heart matters, too. However this doesn’t mean that you should expect nice things roll in your way without contributing any effort. Venus is a passive planet, ruling the spontaneous power of attraction, and during its favorable transits it can bring material possessions, pleasant people in your life. From the other hand it prompts to laziness, self – indulgence, overspending, careless attitude. Hopefully it doesn’t need any further explanation why such fallibilities can ruin even the best prospects. Trouble finding out what your next step should be? Astrologers will guide you the right way on Venus in Taurus – maintain a mature attitude Most …

Can your faith move mountains

Can your faith move mountains for real?

Once again, the question is can your faith move mountains for real? If you’d asked me this is in my teens I would have laughed at the notion; as a child I conjured up the image of a small figure, pushing at an immovable object. A silly impossibility with cartoon-like proportions. It is only now, and in recent years that I can categorically state that, yes, faith is what is required to manifest change, and all that you wish for in your life. Faith is one of the keys we have lost in the modern world, and replaced with a fob! Where does this saying come from? Well it’s actually an old biblical quote and those of us (like myself) who were raised in a Christian denomination probably heard it. However, it is not necessarily sourced in the bible, as it is a phrase adopted by most of the larger, known religions. Perhaps it was already a saying 2,000 years before Matthew’s gospel was transcribed. What is certain is that like most things, if it is believed by most …

Top Spiritual Symbols

Top Spiritual Symbols series – The Triple Goddess

The Triple Goddess symbol is the first in our Top Spiritual Symbols series. It is comprised of a waxing crescent, full moon, and a waning crescent. This symbol’s roots and profound meaning go deeper than many may expect. The triple moon is a Goddess symbol that represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone as the waxing, full, and waning moon. Visit online Psychics and future tellers for genuine guidance today! It is also associated with feminine energy, mystique, and psychic abilities. You often see this symbol on crowns or other head-pieces, particularly worn by High Priestesses. The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, the female principle, the promise of new beginnings, youth, excitement, and a carefree erotic aura. The Maiden in Greek Mythology is Persephone, best known for her purity. Other maiden goddesses include Brigid, and Nimue among others. The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, fulfillment, stability, and power. The Mother Goddess in Greek mythology is Demeter, who represents the wellspring of life, bountifulness, and compassion. Other mother goddesses include Aa, Ambika, Ceres, Astarte, and Lakshmi. The Crone …

Spiritual Love connection

What Is the Significance of Spiritual Love Connection?

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who does not wish to have a deeper connection with the person they love. It is precisely for this reason that many couples try their best to ensure that their relationship is based on spiritual love. Spiritual love connection is much more stable than romantic love. Spiritual love is not a new concept and has been prevalent for ages. You might have heard about this from people who are close to you. The question here is how real is the concept of spiritual love? When will you find the one? Ask a Love Psychic today! Defining spiritual love connection When a relationship has a deep spiritual connection, it puts consciousness and awareness above everything else. If a person is experiencing spiritual love, the relationship will be centered around conscious awareness. Both partners will also enhance their awareness of their individual needs and duties. In other words, both of you will try to cast away your selfishness and become more sensitive to the needs of your partner. If you …

Mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde: 16th February – 9th March 2020

For the first time this year, Mercury goes retrograde on February 16th at 12°53′ of Pisces. It will turn direct stationary on March 9th, at 28°of Aquarius. Obviously, no celestial body can really change its direction– the phenomena known as retrogradation is only an apparent backward movement. However, it has a definite astrological significance. Astrology can show you the best next step. Get your guidance today! With the exception of the two luminaries (Sun and Moon), all planets have their retrograde phases. Mercury for instance stations and turns retrograde every four months and it remains so for approximately 22 days. Mercury is the planet governing our intellect, minds, and communication. Its retrogrades have quite a bad reputation, since they are associated with delays, miscommunications, technical glitches, and moments when the karma of relationships play out. According to traditional Astrology, the retrograde phase of this planet is not favorable for signing contracts, carrying out financial transactions, buying high ticket items, going through negotiations, and starting long journeys. However, Mercury retrograde periods are not all bad news! …

Oranum's featured Psychic

Oranum’s Featured Psychic: AlyciaRose

This article is a tribute to Oranum’s featured Psychic, AlyciaRose. She has won 100 gold medals in our award game, and also completed 80.000 readings during her eight years on! Let’s celebrate and congratulate AlyciaRose for her outstanding work and dedication! Take this chance to get to know her a bit more! It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Professional, honest, compassionate, straight forward advice with accuracy and integrity. Contact AlyciaRose for a psychic tarot reading/spiritual consultation to help focus on your goals, career, and your life! Psychic AlyciaRose is a gifted reader with over 30 years experience, and has been a spiritual adviser to many in her capacity as the high priestess for the Panthean Temple (USA). She has always had the second sight as well as other spiritual gifts, and employs these during her readings. Her readings genuinely change people’s lives for the better, is respectful, and she deeply cares about her clients. When you find yourself at a crossroads, she can see into the …

Valentine’s Day

Legend of St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day occurs every February 14th and it is all about love. Across the World, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between people in love. St. Valentine’s story was a secret itself. Here is a little about the tragic tale of Valentine’s Day. Let’s have the secret revealed. When you feel you can’t handle your issues anymore, it is time for a Psychic reading! We still remember, moreover celebrate the legend of St. Valentine while the truth behind the tale is still hidden. And the truth is quite sad this time as so many young lives were lost in that particular period of time from where this legend originates. Valentine was a Roman priest, who served during the third century in Rome. It was a harrowing time of tears as love was literally outlawed by the crushing Roman empire. Emperor Claudius II had a strict and calculating mind, some even say he was brutal and savage. Claudius decided that single men made better soldiers, than those with wives. Love, as it seemed was too much …