All posts tagged: horoscope

Love symbols

Some of the Associations of Love

Love symbols – evoke emotions From cheap trinkets to extravagantly expensive gifts, lovers have expressed their feelings to one another by various love symbols including gestures and gifts.  Romantic feelings are expressed with a variety of things from foods and herbs, to gems and flowers.  From fragrances of the ancient world that are the forerunners of modern perfumes, to flowers whose delicate petals evoke tender feelings, love has a variety of associations.  Here are just a few of the associations of love. Love and Food Most cultures have a food that is purported to help stir the passions.  From the earth asparagus, avocado and chocolate are just a few of the foods believed to have aphrodisiac qualities.  The sea gives oysters and prawns, both said to bring a heightened sexual desire.  Did you know that tomatoes are sometimes called “love apples”?  And then, there are strawberries and mangoes to round out the fruits of desire. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! Love and Fragrances Your personal scent– your pheromones, are your …

Oranum Psychic

Oranum’s choice: IntuitiveNatalie

Oranum has always been checking Psychics’ overall online activity and we have decided to launch a series highlighting the best experts on a weekly basis. Meet the top Oranum Psychic, IntuitiveNatalie! This is Oranum’s choice! Top Oranum Psychic – IntuitiveNatalie Hello my name is IntuitiveNatalie. One of the first readers who joined Oranum since it was launched around 2012. I have helped over 20,000 clients from all around the world and I continue to help many new clients on a daily basis. I have a European background with a few gifted readers.  A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! My great-grandmother was a well-known, respected reader for many years. In my readings I use the Ryder Tarot deck along with my natural abilities consisting of Intuition, empathy and clairvoyance.  My readings are always genuine and honest and to the best of my ability. During a reading I tap into my clients energy along with my gifts and tools to bring answers to your questions in many areas of focus. Many clients visit me daily for …

Color healing

The Healing Powers of Color

Color healing – balance Color can be used to heal by working with the chakras and the color associations. Chakras are energy centers in the body that essentially follow the spinal column from the base of the spine up through the top of the skull. These chakras help to keep both the physical and spiritual body in balance. Color healing can help to maintain this balance. A lack of color can have an adverse affect on the mind, body, or both. By keeping your chakra colors in balance, you can help to promote physical and emotional health and well-being. Each of the chakras influences a different aspect of the body. Each chakra has its own color association and you can work with that chakra’s energy through color. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! When you may not have time for a full chakra cleanse, you can help to bring your chakras back into proper alignment by using color around you. Here is a list of the …

Capricorn new Moon

New Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn New Moon – fresh start The New Moon of the 16th of January occurs at the 26°54′ of Capricorn. This Capricorn new moon, – as new moons in general – marks the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. With a stellium in the sign ( Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Pluto) the current one can be considered the peak of the Capricorn season. Get a free trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Capricorn’s energy is heavy – especially along with Saturn, the Taskmaster in its home sign, and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. However, since Capricorn is one of the most realistic and goal oriented signs, the current new moon cícle can be a productive time, too. It offers an excellent opportunity to get finally serious, get things done and make something real ! The new moon also is an occasion to question your old habits, behaviours, attitudes, …

Twin flame

Twin Flame memories

Twin flame – one power Two people can offer support, which is all things that love should be, but very often the rules get clouded. Speaking to your Twin Flame can often be before birth and sometimes even before you meet in this life. Many people have fragments of sentences spoken either before birth, or on one of the many dream planes and all this happens before you meet in the psychical sense. The knowledge of love and how to love and the pain, which can come about in dream state can be quite severe, leaving a person full of emotion as they wake from sharing time with their Twin Flame. The energy is so complete, that every emotion is shared and is one power. This pure quality is enough to make both parties involved want to remain in the dream state for a lifetime. This is why Twin Flame exist, to be partners that lead to plans and promises for this life. Time did not give you enough of their love. Promises are made …


The Meaning of Scents

Scents – mood setters The sense of smell is extremely important, and it is often through the nose that you just “know” they are the right one.  Incense is a mood setter and helps to increase energies.  Many find incense great to use for smudging, while others find it helps set the mood for meditation. Whether you use powered, stick or cones, incense can be a powerful tool in your meditation toolbox.  Also important is the part incense plays in a ritual. From the incense used in the Christian church to that used by the magic practitioner, the use of scents is a powerful part of spiritual practice. While lotus, frankincense, or frankincense and myrrh are all good general scents to use, using the appropriate scent can add depth and power to your ritual or meditation.  However, how do you know the right incense to choose? Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Here is a quick look at some of the focuses and the scents that help with them. …

Good catch

Are you a good catch?

Good catch – reverse the question With more than 25 years of experience in Tarot and Astrology I’m quite familiar with the question: „Will I start a new relationship soon?” Many people will not be satisfied with less than a perfect relationship, but seem to be very surprised when I reverse the question: „Are you a good catch, a  perfect partner yourself?” However, if you really want to find yourself in a good relationship, such soul-searching is unavoidable. Astro – Tarot readings offer a good opportunity to start with. Tarot will show you if there is a prospect of a relationship in the near future, and will give you hints how to change your behavior, emotional and intellectual attitude to attract the special person. Astrology will tell you important details about the structure of your personality, your different needs, and will also clarify if this are in tune with your conscious expectations. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! For instance a woman with a Taurus sun …


2018: The Year of Your Superpower in Action!

Superpower – Time What would you do if you had a bank account in which every morning you receive 86.400 dollars? And every night it would be canceled, no matter if you used all the money or didn’t?  Wouldn’t you spend all every day until the last the last penny? Well, you have already a similar account, it is called TIME. That is one of your superpower. Every day you are credited 86.400 seconds and at midnight it is canceled. You cannot go in red, you cannot accumulate time for the day after and you cannot ask for advances or loans. Now, new year is about to start with more than 31000000 seconds! How do you want to invest your time? Do you already know what you want to do and what you want to experience in the next year? Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Yes my friend, okay with that first general answer, but let’s be more specific, what do you want to experience exactly? Now you …

Mercury dichotomy

Special event: Mercury at dichotomy on the 28th

Mercury dichotomy – halfway Mercury reaches the 15° of Sagittarius on the 28th of December . The planet of mental processes, communication, way of perception, travels turned direct on the 22nd of December and now it is halfway through the sign of the Archer. This is an important milestone, so before launching your new projects, dedicating yourself to new visions and ideals, it is time for a reality check. Mercury dichotomy gives you this opportunity. Looking for an answer? Look up a psychic today and get the support you need! This won’t be easy, as the Mercury – Neptune square is still strong enough to alter your perception. While it stimulates imagination, generates vivid dreams, this aspect can temporarily blind you to the truth. (Considering that the sign of the Sagittarius is the sign of truth-seekers, this is quite a strange paradox.) Conspiracy theories, fantasies, wishful thinking may blur the facts, thus you may end up seeing and hearing only what you want. Still, if you make efforts to handle this challenge you will find …

Top Psychic of the week: MsNirvana

Top Psychic online – nurture your hidden emotions Hello everyone I am MsNirvana. As a top Psychic online, my mission is very simple… to reach out to the masses from every nook and corner in this planet. I believe I have been gifted the blessings from my angels, gurus, mentors, family and friends to visualize my psychic skills over the years. I have experienced unpleasant situations in life that have turned into lifelong lessons and blessings in disguise. They evoke the development of my inner core spirituality. With 15 years of experience I believe I will be able to nurture your hidden emotions and potentials likewise to also guide you to the path that paves the way for happiness and true understanding of our own cosmic selves. In our everyday lives, situation arises that need immediate answers and guidance, as we are always feeling lost, unable to grasp the curve ball that is thrown into our path, a person is said to have a certain destiny and personality traits, I will give you the courage …