All posts tagged: interview

Raise Your Vibrations

How To Raise Your Vibrations With Psychic Eventrue

This month, Oranum Psychic Eventrue sat down to tell us about her top ten ways to raise your vibrations. For those of you who may be scratching your head at what this could possibly be, we’ve got you covered! In spirituality, a vibration is categorized as your overall state of wellbeing. The universe and everything inside of it has a vibration and Eventrue wants to help you realize your full potential and live your best life. Sometimes we can get stuck in low-vibrational periods, but there are ways to lift yourself out of this!  Eventrue is a multi-dimensional energetic healer. She uses astrology and numerology to get to know you and your problems intimately. We can’t gush enough about her. You will be hard-pressed to find such a talented, kind, and compassionate spiritual advisor. Chat with her today only on Oranum and find out how to your vibrations with Psychic Eventrue!  Have you always wanted a reading from a psychic but felt uncomfortable with proceeding? On, you can rest assured knowing that you will connect with a compassionate expert, who can guide you in the best way possible to find solutions to your issues …

Oranum Psychic Leelahel

Oranum Psychic Highlight with Leelahel

This week we are featuring Oranum Psychic Leelahel, who you may remember from our Tarot Spread of the Week last Wednesday. She has been practicing divination for 20 years now and experiences total comfort with most spiritual practices. Tarot holds a special place in heart as it weaves her love for design and the arts with fortune-telling. Originally from Puerto Rico, Leelahel is now based in Los Angeles and loves the magical spirit of her newfound city. “My life’s work includes helping others chart out a plan to overcome their own obstacles. I have dedicated the last nine years of my life to helping others, and I do so with gusto! It is rewarding to witness first hand how people process and identify their inner strength, and then seeing where they choose to take it from there. Results are often inspiring. I have been weaving peoples’ stories together. Are you curious to find out for yourself what fortune brews for you on my table?” Interview with Oranum Psychic Leelahel Meet Psychic Leelahel and see her …

Interview with LarisaJyotish

Exclusive Interview with Psychic LarisaJyotish

We recently sat down for an interview with LarisaJyotish who is an Ayurvedic consultant and Jyotish specialist. Since 2007, she has been in contact with Ayurveda, first as a patient and then through her participation in a research study about the effects of Ayurvedic treatment on migraines, with renowned Ayurvedic doctor Balendu Prakash, Nobel Laureate.  She completed her Ayurveda studies at the Institute for Vedic Studies in Switzerland, and did her clinical practice in Nagpur, India, at an Ayurvedic clinic specializing in Pancha Karma, with one of the greatest authorities and clinicians of Ayurveda – Dr. Sunil Joshi. In addition to her love for Ayurveda, Larisa has also completed a course in Jyotish (Indian astrology), Reiki, and has been practicing yoga, pranayama and other meditative techniques for 30 years. We were so lucky to learn more about these important practices from Larisa. Interview with LarisaJyotish Instant answers, fresh perspectives, different approaches to your problems and issues! offers weekly horoscope to kick off your days, regular horoscope to gain a full insight of your personality based on your sun sign and descendant, dream interpretation to obtain a dream meaning with a dream dictionary, psychic …