All posts tagged: Lion’s Gate

Lion’s Gate

What the New Moon in Leo and Lion’s Gate Mean for You

Mark your calendars for August 8th as we are in for a real cosmic treat! This day should be dedicated to renewal, reflection, awakening, and realignment. If you are looking for a sign to begin setting your intentions for your big dreams in life, THIS IS IT! This Sunday will be one of the most enlightening days of the year as we welcome a New Moon in Leo and Lion’s Gate portal is activated. Every year, we experience a very special day when the portal known as Lion’s Gateway opens (often also referred to as Lion’s Gate). This is an immensely powerful and spiritual time, where a cosmic alignment allows energies from the spiritual and physical worlds to intertwine. This day has been celebrated for centuries, dating back to Egyptian astrologic practices. Egyptians would observe the star Sirius rising in the sky and aligning with the pyramids. Use this passionate and intense phase to harness the potential of what the future will bring. Be sure to stay focused and grounded as you navigate this day. …