All posts tagged: loss

grief and loss

5 ways to help you deal with grief and loss

Grief and loss is, sadly, an inevitable part of the human experience. Whether it is the death of somebody close, a pet, a job loss, or a break up with a romantic partner, we will all, at some point, have to mourn the absence of something or somebody who hoped would be in our lives forever. I see many people walking around with unexpressed grief; from a while ago, sometimes decades. Baggage like this leads to energy blocks, which in turn create ill health; mentally, physically and spiritually. I am, henceforth, compelled to share with you all the incredible healing techniques that I have learned, and am still learning, from my peers, my research and my own experiences. When there is no way to cope a Psychic reading can help you to get back on track! 1. Deal with grief and loss – Express and allow the tears to flow it’s so obvious isn’t it! Amazingly though many find this first and most integral step the most difficult. The “stiff upper lip’ attitude still filter through from past generations and cultural …