All posts tagged: new moon

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon – practical matters The New Moon of the 20th of September occurs on the 27° of Virgo. While new moons mark the beginning of a new 28 day cycle, the earthly sign of Virgo is associated with practical matters, daily routines, work, resources, health and generally our relationship with our bodies, pets, etc. This means that the new beginnings heralded by the current new moon will be related in a way or other with these topics. Certainly the areas of life (houses) falling in the sign of Virgo will play a more important role in your life than usually. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today! As the first new moon after the strong solar eclipse of the 21st of August, the current one marks a very important milestone in our development. After an eventful summer (this can mean anything, from the heat of passion, fun, parties to emotional and financial roller-coasters) it is time to cool down and think how to move forward. Making …

Meditation for the Rose Moon

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose June 20th marks the Rose Full Moon of 2016. The full moon in June is also known as the Strawberry or Mead Moon, and falls this year on the cusp of the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon. The Rose is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. The rose is known as the queen of flowers, is the symbol of beauty of youth, love, joy, silence, and has long been associated with the Mysteries. I wrote the following meditation for a ritual on the Rose Moon for our temple some years ago, and will be included in my book of meditations. May it bring you love, joy and beauty. Each participant should be handed a red rose prior to the mediation.  Pick the best ones, the most lovely of the ones you can find, but not fully opened. Begin by breathing in and out, slowly and purposely, conscious of the air moving within the body. The air begins to turn white with the light of healing energy, moving in through …