All posts tagged: reach your goals

Psychic tip of Leelahel: How to reach your goals in 2017?

Leelahel My name is Leelahel and I am going to give you some advice on how to reach your goals and how to make 2017 the best year ever! 2017 is well over the first half of its month already. Are you still trying to figure out a plan for 2017? Resolutions have a tendency to bite the dust after the first couple of weeks, but you can always count on Oranum to be present and give you some sense of direction. Remember: We have clarity! You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic for FREE now! A small ritual to make your day How about a small ritual to help reach your goals and add some zest to what already may be a regular practice? Let’s get started with your morning cup of coffee or tea. Swirl your hand clockwise three times over the cup and say, “I am the tool, you are the fire. Fill this cup with all I desire.” After setting your desired intention for the day, drink up! No …

What does the Fire Rooster’s year have in store for you?

What is your Chinese Zodiac Sign? Well, it is worth to find that out as by knowing that you can prepare for the Chinese New Year that starts Today. Simply by reading your sign’s related description Fire Rooster will not be able to trick you! RAT (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008) While you won’t be that happy to see the Year of the Monkey go, chances are you already know that you’re ready to get your teeth into something meaty. The Monkey and Rat are the best of friends, but for you the Year of the Monkey was also an adventurous year. Whether you travelled, embarked on higher learning or the pursuit of knowledge in a formal or overt way or not, the Monkey worked throughout the past 12 months to bring you out of your comfort zone, encouraging you to explore your world and embrace life’s richer experiences. As one lunar year ends and another the fire rooster begins, you take what you have learned from one and apply to …