All posts tagged: Sagittarius profile

Sagittarius profile

The Sagittarius Profile: Is a Sagittarian right for me?

Those fierce individuals born between November 22 and December 21 belong to the zodiac category of Sagittarius! Sagittarians at their core tend to be eternal optimists, intellectual and often quite spontaneous. Right next to Geminis, the Sagittarius Profile is regarded as one of the best conversationalists of the zodiac. While they will never force a talkative exchange, they have no problem speaking up and providing witty commentary when asked to participate. Their intellectual nature makes them experts on a variety of topics and their generally positive demeanor allows them to put a nice spin on even the most depressing of topics.   Astrology experts on Oranum provide you the guidance you need! While it is fun to focus on only the positive aspects of the Sagittarius profile, and a Sagittarius would certainly prefer that we do, they also have some less-favorable traits. At their worst, they get bored easily and tend to have a streak as commitment phobes. They can also be unreliable at times. Since personal freedom ranks highly among their needs, if a family gathering coincides with their holiday, they may …