All posts tagged: Supermoon

Pink Supermoon in Scorpio

The Pink Supermoon in Scorpio and What it Means for You

The next Full Moon of the year will occur on Monday, April 26, 2021 (11:32pm EDT) in the dark and mysterious sign of Scorpio. This will be the first of only two supermoons in 2021. Supermoon is a term invented in 1979 by Richard Nolle, an astrologer, and is used commonly today. It signifies the periods when the Moon is the closest to the Earth, often making them the most luminous and large Full Moons of the year. Let’s see what the pink supermoon in Scorpio has in store for you! For those of you that know a Scorpio, you are aware of how secretive, sensual, and emotional they can be. We can expect a lot of that energy to come to the fore during this lunation. Prepare yourself for the long-haul too as Full Moons can be felt up to three days prior and three days after their peak. Another hallmark of Scorpios is that they rule the 12th house in astrology dedicated to death and transformations. While it sounds scary, all transformations are …

Lunar eclipse

Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo

The Full Moon of the 31st of January is simultaneously a SuperMoon, a Blue Moon and a total lunar eclipse (Blood Moon). As such it is a rare phenomenon: the last total lunar eclipse which also was a Blue moon, occurred more than 150 years ago, in late March 1866. Lunar eclipse – special importance Astrology pays special importance to eclipses. These energetically highly charged new moons or full moons are regarded as transformation points, directing our attention on the areas of life we need to change or evolve. Traditional Astrology (both Western and Vedic) considers them rather negative, as they often mark endings and forced changes beyond our control. As a matter of fact their „badness” or „goodness” depends not only on what it aspects in your birth chart or solar chart. Your level of awareness, your attitude, your choices made with your free will play a more significant role in the possible outcome. You need an intuitive guide? Talk to a psychic now! What is always true is that eclipses (especially the lunar eclipses) …


Supermoon in Gemini – Aug 22, 2017 – How will it effect You?

Are you ready for the upcoming Supermoon? It is important to learn how it will effect your personal life. The upcoming astrological event, which is certainly worthy of it’s name, of the next Full Moon on the 14th of December falls into the airy sign of Gemini. Supermoon! Please note that this is actually going to be another Super Moon which perfectly fits the series of Super Moons that we have been experiencing in the recent past. The next days will hold a powerful and marvelous opportunity to help you recognize those areas in your lives that are in need of change. To help you understand the effects of these happenings correctly, let us clarify that this means that the areas of your life where balance has not yet been accomplished perfectly will very likely come into focus. Remember that everything in this world exists to support you in order to improve yourself and these celestial events always affect our lives beneficially. It is worthwhile to be aware of such emphatic events to be able …