All posts tagged: tutorial video

Psychic reading

Everything you need to know about getting an online Psychic reading

Does the thought of visiting a stranger and telling them your deepest desires seem too frightening to get an in-person psychic reading? The good news is that you are not the only one who feels this way. The even better news is that there is a wonderful alternative for you to try! In this day and age, hundreds of psychics are now online to provide readings. This means that you can just type your questions in a chat box from the comfort of your home. The psychic does not even need to see your face and you don’t need to use your voice. Our psychics at provide accurate answers in a compassionate manner. We also have an incredible video feature, where you can see your psychic, but they don’t have to see you. Curious to learn how it works? The first thing you need to do is to register (full video below). We even give you 9.99 in free credits upon your registration – the option to purchase more is always up to you. …