All posts tagged: Venus Jupiter conjunction

Venus Jupiter conjunction

Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius

The Venus Jupiter conjunction occurs on the 24th of November, at 28° of Sagittarius. The harmonious aspects of the Lesser and Greater Benefic are considered very fortunate. This is especially so now, as Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius and it is also the ruler of Venus. Astrological „cookbooks” associate financial gains with this aspect, and sometimes this can be true. (Whether it applies or not in your particular case it depends on the position of Venus and Jupiter in your natal chart as well as the areas of life influenced by this transit). However, even if you don’t experience sudden windfalls, this combination makes you more open -minded, optimistic, sociable, creative – and thus you can attract luck. You are a pleasant companionship during these days, doing your best to avoid arguments and hostility. Your good mood is infectious, so your friends and acquaintances enjoy your companionship. On the social events you are invited by them you can meet supportive people, so you can reach easier your goals. This transit is also favorable for …