
New Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn new Moon

Capricorn New Moon – fresh start

The New Moon of the 16th of January occurs at the 26°54′ of Capricorn. This Capricorn new moon, – as new moons in general – marks the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. With a stellium in the sign ( Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Pluto) the current one can be considered the peak of the Capricorn season.

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Capricorn’s energy is heavy – especially along with Saturn, the Taskmaster in its home sign, and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. However, since Capricorn is one of the most realistic and goal oriented signs, the current new moon cícle can be a productive time, too. It offers an excellent opportunity to get finally serious, get things done and make something real !

The new moon also is an occasion to question your old habits, behaviours, attitudes, beliefes. If you conclude that they don’t serve your growth any longer, you can replace them gradually with new ones. This is a good opportunity to adopt fresh approaches, amke adjustments and to search new ways for progress. Capricorn is the natural ruler of the Xth house, associated with career, vocation, priorities, business and banking. Very simplified, the Sun symbolises our conscious mind, creativity, vital forces, the Moon our subconscious, emotions, relation to the past, emotional patterns, gut reactions. Mercury shows the way we think, communicate, learn. Venus represents our emotional and security needs, the way we relate to other people, the way we show affection. It is also a money significator. Saturn symbolises healthy boundaries, tangible results, discipline, limits and endings. Pluto also is associated with endings, transformation and rebirth.

Capricorn new Moon

Capricorn New Moon – be inspired

Thus the current new moon is an invitation to do some relevant changes related to our career, jobs, finances, social status, relationship. On a long run this will help us create a happier, more satisfactory life. However, with a stellium in Capricorn we cannot talk about a quick fix. The sign’s motto is: slowly, but surely.

The Pluto – Jupiter sextile gets exact one day before the new moon so it’s influence is strong in the chart. Sextiles are very helpful aspects as far as you make conscious efforts to take advantage of their energy. They favor growth, regeneration, expansion on the areas of the birth chart influenced by them. (This differs from person to person, so don’t hesitate to contact me for clarification.) Although not exact any more, the Mars – Jupiter conjunction is still within orb, fuelling your endeavor in a big way. It also gives the courage, energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, persistence necessary for any new initiative.

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However Uranus squares the Capricorn New Moon. This is a challenging aspect, which means a disruptive, unpredictable energy. Volatility rules the whole lunar cycle, things can skip out of control. Count with surprises, or take into consideration that you may end up with your plans somewhere else than you initially wanted. You can make the best of the Uranic energy, if you break up voluntarily with the improductive old ways while you start a new chapter. It can also mean that however painful is, a break-up, the loss of a working place will help you to find the person, the vocation, etc which gives you lasting happiness and satisfaction.

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