All posts tagged: cleansing


How to Clean Your Aura?

Your aura is the energy field around your physical body. It picks up on vibrations and energy from other places and beings. When this energy is negative, your aura gets drained of its light and you begin to feel the physical and mental effects of this. Luckily, there are ways you can rid your aura of negative energy. Learn about a few of these techniques below – Take a bath – Set the intention that you are cleansing out emotional impurities alongside the physical impurities that you have accumulated along the day. The negative ions that get washed away in your bath remove unwanted energy from your aura, refreshing and reviving it. If you can take a salt water swim, there’s nothing better. Salt is famous for its healing properties and will leave you feeling ready to take on the world again. Water, in general, contains tremendous potential for energy healing. Take a walk in the rain or stand under a waterfall – you will be able to tell the difference in your mood. Meditation …

clearing energies

5 Ways to Ground and Clear Discordant Energies

Clearing energies I receive a lot of questions regarding how to Ground and clear out discordant, negative, energies that reside in the body. Here are my top 5 ways to Ground out and clear the Discordant energy in your body. Clearing energies #5 – Dance! Nothing is better than turning on your favorite song, and dancing like nobody is watching. Dancing also provides a nice dusting of your chakras. Through dancing, you let the creative energies you are creating move freely throughout your body. These energies clear out discordant energies, and ground you back into your body. Get a trial for a psychic reading to get closer to the truth! Clearing energies #4 – Buy New Shoes! Have you ever wondered what a rubber soled shoe does to your bodies grounding energies? Rubber, which is in in the soles of most shoes, is know as an “Energy absorber and Blocker.” Due to this, your grounding energies can get blocked and unable to connect to the earth. Next time you buy new shoes, look for a …

Herbal Magickal Baths For Love, Purification + Money!

Written By: Psychic AlyciaRose Water has always been a purifier from the beginning of time; it cleanses everything it touches. Water is also a spiritual cleanser, washing away energies that are not our own while purifying both body and spirit. It is the essence of life, releasing psychic blocks, restoring us to balance and harmony. Taking a magickal or ritual bath permits us to open ourselves to higher energies, and those energies we wish to attract to ourselves. The history of the ritual bath is ancient. Many cultures ancient and modern use water as a method of spiritual purification. Ritual bathing was a n important part of Roman, Greek, Middle Eastern, and Japanese societies. The faithful washed themselves before prayer, entering a temple or participating in spiritual activities. The use of water in purification is also used by Muslims washing before prayer, Catholics dipping hands in holy water, Native Americans in the sweat lodge, and some modern Witches before entering the sacred circle. In many magickal faiths and folk magic, the bath often becomes spellwork …