All posts tagged: dream symbols


Why dreams are so important?

Dreams – subconscious processes Every spiritual tradition attributes significance to dreams. Science, in spite of extensive research not being able to provide a sufficient explanation as to why we dream, still recognizes their importance. Even if we don’t understand the subconscious processes behind them, dreams are very beneficial as they give insight into our body, mind, and spirit. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! Dreams are crucial to our emotional and mental health. They can give us tools by which we solve problems, deal with emotions, or discover and develop our creative potential. They can help us realize important things about our relationships and this will enable us to distinguish between the nourishing ones and the energy-drainers. Quite often our dreams give hints or even clear visions about the future. (Such experiences cannot always be labelled as ‘psychic’ or ESP. Many times the dream brings into focus certain details of our lives which we don’t know we knew, as they completely skip our attention while we are awake. Also, there can be …