All posts tagged: essential oil

Essential oils

Essential oils

Essential oils – relax Essential oils are very effective in treating stress both emotionally and physically. Natural, easy-to-use, have no side-effects that are common to allopathic medicines. The life of many of us seems to be a daily roller-coaster. We’re jumping from one obligation to another, running between the house, the children, the service, the parents. But we have a desperate need to relax and slow down this crazy rhythm of living our lives. Many believe I can endlessly cope with this lifestyle. In fact, until they need a break, a moment of peace and quiet. Our mind, soul, and body need oxygen for relaxation. Without her, we can not have healthy relationships with our family. Without it, we can not have a balance in our own life in our choices. We risk becoming monuments of stress, frustration, and bitterness. Essential oils – in everyday life Essential oils for relaxation – how we help in everyday life: All our emotions can be sustained and helped by essential oils. Remember the lavender smell of your grandmother’s closet? …