All posts tagged: guide

A zodiac wheel in the stars

Understanding the Zodiac Signs

The 12 Zodiac Signs The zodiac is a way to learn about different personalities based on the time of year someone was born. There are 12 signs, each with its own set of traits. This guide will help you understand what each sign is like. Aries: The Leader Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are brave, confident, and like to take charge. They are leaders and aren’t afraid to start something new. But sometimes they act too quickly without thinking. Taurus: The Hard Worker Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are stable, dependable, and practical. They work hard and are proud of what they do. They can be stubborn and don’t like change. Gemini: The Talker Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. People born under this sign are smart, funny, and can change easily. They are good at talking and getting their ideas across. They can be indecisive and have a hard time making choices. Cancer: The Caregiver Cancer …

Meet your personal guides and angels

Guardian Angels? First of all I would like to clarify something: although many people, especially with a Christian background, call guides guardian angels, they are neither guardians not angels. A psychic can give you the AUTHENTIC READING you’ve always longed for. Look one up at Oranum today! The word guardian gives you a false hope that whatever you do, you are always protected from harm. Have you ever wondered what happens to those going through a lot of hardship even leaving Earth before time? Have you, yourself, ever gone through a painful experience or lost someone? What happened then? Was your guardian angel on holiday? Or did you do something to offend the angels and as a response he stopped looking after you? What does it say about angels, who are supposed to be nice and impartial, if they get offended and decide to punish you? Angels are entities who convey messages between dimensions and different grounds of existence. It is the reason why they are pictured with wings. Like the Winged Sun in Egypt, the …

Meditation – a practical guide for Everyone

A practical guide for Everyone Meditation should indeed be a practice for everyone. It is an exercise that essentially balances the mental and emotional state of mind. This can lead to physical and psychological well-being, or both when the two are intrinsically linked. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! Medication vs. Meditation   A neuroscientist, Willoughby Britton, gave a TED Talk on a recent development called contemplative science (ex: the scientific and empirical studies on meditation) which combines the evidence in science, medicine, and meditation together to prove the link between attention, mental habit, and happiness. She basically says that meditation is better than medication because meditation actually changes and reprograms your brain when medication cannot. Medication, such as antipsychotic drugs, have been shown to not treat psychological conditions at all, but only hinder the condition. So, if someone is bipolar and they take medication for it, they won’t stop being bi-polar. They have to remain on medication for the rest of their lives. Well, this is what the doctors …