All posts tagged: heart

open your heart

Focus on opening your heart, not your soulmate

Perhaps you’ve already heard the phrases: “open your heart”, “loving and working on yourself” and that in order to “attract better, you must become better”, right? Even though you feel that you are one of the beautiful human beings who deserves the highest form of love and protection, it just seems impossible to attain. But it’s not your fault that you feel this way. You’ve been sold a concept which isn’t within reach. Love is not necessarily something outside of you, or something that you feel for another soul. Love is more like a state of being, where you’re flowy, one with everyone and the universe and things tend to work out magically and effortlessly. This isn’t something that happens because of someone however. It happens as you open your heart.  Boost your love life with the help of a Psychic today! As we meet that someone special, we start building a connection, a “relationship” and that someone special awakens a part within us which we call “love.”And then we say “I am in love …

Crystals for Love and Relationships

Written By: Dr. Nikki Are you interested in learning about crystals which can help you with your love life? These crystals are not only pretty to look at, they are known to help in all matters of emotion! Ruby The Ruby’s connection with love goes back to ancient history. Egyptians believed it was the stone of love. This beautiful gem’s use in crowns and regalia show its association with royalty; “love rules”. Fidelity has been a part of the Ruby’s influence, and the 40th wedding anniversary is the “Ruby Anniversary.” Love’s appreciation as a higher emotion aligns with the Ruby. It is said that a ruby will darken if an unfaithful lover comes near. The stone of the Root Chakra, the Ruby is also associated with sensual pleasures and physical passion. Wearing a ruby can increase sexual attraction. Rose Quartz Rose quartz beads have been dated back to the Mesopotamian culture, over 7,000 years ago. Considered by many to be the ultimate stone of love, the soft pink color and delicate beauty of rose quartz …

5 Ways to Cope with Misfortune

We all go through misfortune in our lives from time to time. Relationships dissolve, loved ones pass away, jobs are lost and other material losses happen. However, it’s how we cope with things that either elevate us to a higher understanding or spiral us downward into a sad and despairing place. Even if we’ve chosen to spiral down into a sad space in the past doesn’t mean we can’t chose differently next time. Here are some tips how you can deal with misfortune in a healthy manner. 1- Be Resilient People that are resilient take life’s ups and downs much easier than those who are so ridged and set in their ways. It is important to know that life is not always perfect or goes the way we want it to be. Both fortune and misfortune happen to us, sometimes even simultaneously. It is up to us to realize that being flexible is necessary. By appreciating the ebbs and flows of life helps us knowing whenever there is a dark moment – there is always a moment of light coming …