
Focus on opening your heart, not your soulmate

open your heart

Perhaps you’ve already heard the phrases: “open your heart”, “loving and working on yourself” and that in order to “attract better, you must become better”, right?

Even though you feel that you are one of the beautiful human beings who deserves the highest form of love and protection, it just seems impossible to attain. But it’s not your fault that you feel this way. You’ve been sold a concept which isn’t within reach. Love is not necessarily something outside of you, or something that you feel for another soul. Love is more like a state of being, where you’re flowy, one with everyone and the universe and things tend to work out magically and effortlessly. This isn’t something that happens because of someone however. It happens as you open your heart. 

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As we meet that someone special, we start building a connection, a “relationship” and that someone special awakens a part within us which we call “love.”And then we say “I am in love with you.” In reality, it can be much more than that. You can actually reach a state where you are in love with life, without having to give your power completely away to another being, no matter how special they might be. You’re grateful of course, but not in need.

How do I attain this state of being? 

By opening your heart. More and more.

open your heart

And as that realization reaches the individual’s consciousness, the heart is finally freed from the imprisonment of the egoic mind, and it starts opening up without the help of another person. It starts feeling love for you and for everything around you. As this occurs, your soulmates or twin-flame will finally appear. When this happens, you start experiencing higher states of unconditional love and peace, that perhaps you have never felt before. The only difference now is that you’re not seeking it out. It’s an experience which you’re already enjoying fully… but free from attachment.

And now you know that if this relationship ever ends, you won’t forcefully try to keep it together. Instead, you’ll be aware that things come to an end so they can begin again, and they pain you might feel in your heart… you won’t allow it to close you and have you go in a defensive stance and “work on loving yourself.” You’ll simply place your awareness behind your heart, relax, open it and let go of all attachment and fully embrace your pain.

And as you embrace the pain in your heart, the lessons you’ve learned from your relationships will start coming to you and you’ll start seeing the beauty of this memorable experience. When this happens, your heart opens more and more and eventually it heals from the pain you endured.

The difference now? It’s much more open than it was before your pain. 

And the more open it is, the more love you’ll feel.

And the cycle starts again.

So one might say that the key to meeting your soulmate, is not focusing on your soulmate or even yourself but focusing on your heart. Needing nothing actually attracts everything. 

With this in mind, we’ve compiled these tips for keeping an open heart.

open your heart

5 tips to open your heart:

  1. Place your hand on your chest area

Where attention goes, energy flows. The palms of our hands are one of the main conductors of energy of our bodies. As we place them on our hearts, our attention naturally shifts to this beautiful energy center of ours, starting the healing process and naturally opening it up more and more.

Start by spending a few minutes in the morning… as soon you wake up, rest your left hand on your chest area, relax and enjoy the feeling.

  1. Hug people for whom you feel love for

The inner energy flow (chi / prana / shakti) of two individuals gets amplified as soon as they come in proximity. This is greatly intensified as they come into physical contact. All 7 of our chakras immediately send high vibrations and heal one another.. The primarily one being the heart center.

  1. Sit on mother Earth, walk barefoot, or hug a tree

Another very simple practice. The energy of plants and the planet itself contains very light energy. As soon as we connect with it, our bodies immediately start the healing process. Try walking barefoot or sitting on the grass and feel the energy coming down from the base of your body, into your heart and eventually into your head. 

  1. Meditate 

The famous art of observing your feelings. Sitting quietly and focusing on your inner energy flow while letting the mind do its thing, is a powerful tool to further connect you with your true being and further open your heart.

We recommend meditating often with your left hand placed on your chest area to amplify the feeling of your practice.

  1. Get a pet

Surely you’ve felt the feeling of cuddling a puppy or any other loving animal. It feels like being in love right?

Animals have the innate ability to unconditionally love someone, no matter who they are, and as we receive more love, we feel like giving more love.

Having a pet around can have you be in great states of unconditional love.

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