All posts tagged: herb

Chamomile: An Ancient Herb Natural Remedies III

Chamomile, a member of the daisy family It includes many species that are spread all over the world Europe, Asia, North Africa, the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean, and the United States. Chamomile is an ancient herb, hieroglyphic records show that chamomile was used for at least 2,000 years in Egypt, and was affiliated with their sun god Ra. Their early physicians used chamomile tea for fevers, stress and restlessness, and noblewomen used crushed petals on their skin. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Indians used this herb to treat ailments of the kidneys, liver, and bladder. Chamomile is also one of the ‘Nine Sacred Herbs’ of an ancient Anglo-Saxon manuscript, the Lacnunga. In the Middle Ages, chamomile was an ingredient listed in love potion recipes, and became associated with the devotion of St. Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary. Get a free trial for a PSYCHIC READING to get closer to the TRUTH! The origins The plants’s name derives from the Greek ‘kamai melon’, meaning ground apple, because when walked upon, it released a fragrance that smells like …

Natural remedies II – Herbs for High Blood Pressure

Herbs can indeed lower blood pressure and aid cardiovascular health. Recently, my own blood pressure began running high, likely caused by the current medication I am on because it is a common side effect. I tried one of the common medications, and found out I was highly allergic to that. So I decided I would turn to natural remedies before I tried medication again – which I can do because my condition is between pre-hypertensive and stage one hypertension. So I began exploring quite a few articles, and thought I should pass on the information. Be aware the effects may not take place right away, as supplements may take weeks or months to produce true results. As for myself, the herbs and supplements I began taking started to work in just a few days – turmeric, cinnamon and garlic, even before I added several more to the list. Each herb treats a different aspect of high blood pressure, so pay attention to your symptoms and general health. As always, please consult your physician or naturopath …

7 Best Home Remedies for Cold and Flu – The Power of Nature Series, I

Prevention Naturally prevention is always better than the cure, but many of the same herbs that keep colds and flu away, will also help you get rid of it faster. Of course, once you have a cold or the flu the best advice is still “get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluid and take plenty of vitamin C”. As always, before treating yourself at home by using any of the suggested natural home remedies, you should consult your doctor first regarding any medical condition. Some herbs do react with certain medications. Grandma was right about drinking hot liquids since cold viruses reproduce best at temperatures slightly below normal body temperature. Hot herbal tea is just the thing to soothe a sore throat, decongest, and to relax a cough. A psychic can give you the exact insight you need. Chat with an expert today for FREE! GARLIC Garlic has been considered an herbal “wonder drug” since ancient times. It is one of the most powerful herbs in treating colds and infection since it has wide-ranged …