All posts tagged: Moon cycles

Gemini new Moon

New Moon in Gemini – 2020

The new moon of the 22nd of May occurs at the 02°04′ of Gemini. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Full moons are culmination points, where the results of the processes started during the previous lunar cycle are emerging. The next full moon occurs on the 5th of June and it is also a lunar eclipse, thus the current lunation is particularly important. Let’s see more about the Gemini new Moon: The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental activity, communication, travel, commerce. It is a transmitter and a receiver of information and knowledge. Social contacts and intellectual pursuits, looking for people open to our ideas or whose skills can complement our own will be important during the current Gemini new Moon. Go and get a personal astrology reading during this Gemini new Moon! Gemini new Moon 2020 – a period of duality However, more planets in …

New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus 2020

The new moon in Taurus on the 22nd of April occurs at the 3° of Taurus. New moons mark the beginnings of a 28 day cycle and they are also favorable for fresh starts, especially on the areas of life where they fall on your chart. Finances, values, security, food, possessions, comfort, sensual pleasures are ruled by Taurus, so the current lunation brings in focus these themes. Taurus is associated with all those things (our properties, finances, food) which provide the background for our physical existence. In a larger context it rules the physical world, our senses and sensual pleasures, the things which give us security, stability, our value system, etc. Taurus new moons are generally about launching new projects related to these topics. Under the current lunation the theme of creating stability, securing ourselves, making rewarding investments is more important than usually. Go for a detailed astrology reading and get answers to your questions! New Moon in Taurus – conjunctions The luminaries conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, setting off the Saturn – Uranus square, …

Aries Full Moon

Full Moon in Aries 2019

The Full Moon of the 13th of October occurs at the 20°13′ of Aries. Full moons are culmination points of the processes started at the new moons – respectively that of the 30th of September. The effect of this Aries Full Moon lasts for two weeks, until the next New Moon (28th of October). In one way or another an Aries full moon emphasises the need to create balance between following our individual path, focusing on our own needs and trying to compromise with the priorities’ of our partners. (These can be relationships and associations of different nature.) The conflict between the principle of Aries and Libra may be about dilemmas related to independence vs belonging to a person, to a group, etc, following our own bliss or remaining a people pleaser, being a team player or a lonley achiever, facing the challenges, taking risks or preferring security, etc. The Full Moon chart is dominated by a T-square between the luminaries and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Simultaneously Moon in Aries makes a trine with …

Aquarius New Moon

New Moon in Aquarius, 4th of February 2019

Aquarius New Moon The new moon of the 4th of February falls on the 15°45 of Aquarius. As the first new moon after the total lunar eclipse of the 21st of January it is particularly important. New moons mark the start of a new 28 day cycles and are generally favorable for new beginnings, While the previous new moon of the 6th of January was a solar eclipse and as such not very helpful for new ventures, the current one is a great occasion for launching new projects. February is one of the rare occasions when all planets will remain in direct motion during the whole month, thus you can move forward with your plans smoothly. (Remembering the snail – pace of the second half of 2018 dictated by the multiple retrogrades, this can be a real blessing) It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! Furthermore, Aquarius is a future-orientated sign, associated with the collective, the ideals, projects, friends, supporters, social concerns, group activities, broader perspective. The new moon …


The Triple Goddess – stages of a woman’s life

Goddess – strong representation of the feminine energy The Goddess is at the heart off all nature religions. Her feminine energies are equal to the God, who is also known at times as her consort. For women this is wonderful, as we can see strong representations of what it means to be a woman. For men it is amazing, as they can have more feminine energies to enjoy and connect with too. The Goddess is known as ‘The Triple Goddess’ as she has three aspects- Maiden, Mother and Crone. These represent stages of a woman’s life, her monthly cycles, and also the phases of The Moon. It’s never too late to ask for spiritual guidance, talk to our psychic today! The waxing or growing Moon represents the Maiden: adventuring, hunting and free. The full Moon represents the Mother Goddess: full of powerful creativity energy and new life. And the waning Moon represents the Crone, where the wisdom is drawing inwards and incredibly powerful. The Crone is also depicted as a traditional ‘witch’ and her power …

Moon cycles

Love By the Light of the Moon

Moon cycles – story of lovers The Moon and the Moon cycles have been a focus of love for millennia. The story of lovers separated by miles, maybe even continents, both looking at the moon and thinking of the other is a common scene in many romances. The Moon’s feminine energy is receptive/feminine and encourages connection with the natural cycles of which you are a part. The Moon is our closest celestial neighbor and its influence on energy cannot be overstated.  Watching the Moon and understanding how your love energy is affected by the different phases can improve your chances to finding the love you are looking for. Stop overthinking – give your unconscious a chance! Chat with a psychic! It is said that timing is everything, and with finding the right love, the same holds true.  Here are some hints on how to use the cycles of the Moon in your search for love. The Moon is easy to consult, even if clouds are in the way just watching your local weather or consulting …