All posts tagged: retrograde

Saturn's direct turn

Saturn’s direct turn – 2019

Saturn’s direct turn happens on the 18th of September, on 13°54′ of Capricorn. The Cosmic Taskmaster was retrograde since the 30th of April, and its change of direction means that once our tasks are completed, we can move forward. Saturn is one of the most important karmic indicators in Astrology. It is also associated with our barriers and boundaries, self discipline, responsibilities, maturity, focus, accomplishments, the lessons we must learn, tasks we must complete in our life. Saturn is also the planet of materialization which gives structures to our inner and outer world. On a psychological level it is our inner adult, inner parent, inner sense of authority. If mismanaged it will redirect us on the right track through limitations, losses and hindrances. If we embrace willingly our fate, Saturn will be our best ally on our spiritual path. Saturn’s direct turn – a new set of lessons to work with Saturn is a slow planet, spending 2, 5 years in a sign. It spends retrograde cca 4,5 months each year. The retrogrades of Saturn …

Mars retrograde

Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

Mars retrograde – Astrological significance Due to the long period of Mars retrograde, this summer is more favorable for introspection, reflection and readjustments than for launching new projects. Mars, the planet of action went retrograde on the 26th of June and it will go direct only on the 27th of August. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to move backwards viewed from the Earth. Certainly there is no physical change of direction, but it has an Astrological significance. Apart of the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) every planet goes retrograde. They have their own cycles; Mars moves backwards every two years. His last retrograde occurred in 2016 while transiting Scorpio and Sagittarius. Obtain hidden information from your psyche with the help of a psychic! While retrograde periods are part of the natural planetary cycles, from human perspective they can be quite a challenge. They are associated with slowdowns, delays, breakdowns and all sorts of impasses. Mars is associated with energy, passion, drive, determination, self-assertivity, aggression, stamina, achievement, ambition, competition, sexuality. It rules wars, weapons, accidents, …

Saturn retrograde

Saturn’s retrograde motion

Saturn retrograde – When the past does not go away Sometimes memories can become obsessive, but when the lost time of regret does not abandon us, we must find the key to leave it behind. Saturn retrograde from the 18th of April in its domicile of Capricorn can lead us to all dealing with old memories and issues. When the planet of memory backs into the sky it is time to reconsider old times that no longer exists. Clarify all the topics that have been bugging you. Get a true reading from a psychic! Chances are high to face with our traumatic memories, the ones that left wounds in our lives, those ones of lost opportunities and the memories of the people who left us. Meditate and use this time of period to clean all the negativity rooted in your past eventually. Saturn, the planet of time and memory may remind us that we are our past. Saturn retrograde – memories Mercury represents the time that escapes with the present, that feels imaginary and fleeting and …