
Saturn’s direct turn – 2019

Saturn's direct turn

Saturn’s direct turn happens on the 18th of September, on 13°54′ of Capricorn. The Cosmic Taskmaster was retrograde since the 30th of April, and its change of direction means that once our tasks are completed, we can move forward.

Saturn is one of the most important karmic indicators in Astrology. It is also associated with our barriers and boundaries, self discipline, responsibilities, maturity, focus, accomplishments, the lessons we must learn, tasks we must complete in our life. Saturn is also the planet of materialization which gives structures to our inner and outer world. On a psychological level it is our inner adult, inner parent, inner sense of authority. If mismanaged it will redirect us on the right track through limitations, losses and hindrances. If we embrace willingly our fate, Saturn will be our best ally on our spiritual path.

Saturn’s direct turn – a new set of lessons to work with

Saturn is a slow planet, spending 2, 5 years in a sign. It spends retrograde cca 4,5 months each year. The retrogrades of Saturn are periods of introspection, when we must deal with the unfinished business, do some inner work, get prepared for the new chapter of life. When it goes direct, we can start a new set of lessons to work with.

Saturn's direct turn

Between the end of 2017 – end of 2020 Saturn is in Capricorn, its home sign. (Well, between the 23rd of March- 1st of July 2020 will make a short visit in its second home, Aquarius, but it will finally leave Capricorn only on the 17th of December 2020). This means that its energy is particularly strong during this period. This can be very helpful for goal -oriented achievers, and very hard for those who want to sneak away from their responsibilities and prefer daydreaming to tangible results.

Saturn’s direct turn – stick to our good habits

When Saturn is changing direction (in both ways) a strong energy shift can be felt. The atmosphere is heavy, things apparently slow down. We can find out more about our next tasks, responsibilities and directions by paying attention to the meaningful coincidences (synchronicities) occurring during the week after and before the change of direction. Saturn went retrograde at the end of April in the proximity of the South Node associated with the experiences of the past (according to some Astrologers, including past lives). This meant that we if we haven’t learnt anything from the previous lessons, we could feel trapped in the past and stuck from moving forward during the last five months.

Saturn's direct turn

While moving direct Saturn will reach again the South Node, but now the circumstances are much more favorable than at the end of April. It stations direct on Ascella, a benevolent fixed star (Capricorn 13°54), associated with good fortune, happiness, religious mind. The trine Saturn made with Mars (perfected on the 9th of September) is still on effect, giving the persistence, stamina, dedication, practical mentality necessary for good performance. Saturn also trines Moon indicating, that patience, inner balance, sticking to our good habits and routines will enable us to face any challenge. This is a perfect combination to move forward and achieve our long term goals.

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