All posts tagged: Sun Uranus conjunction

Sun Uranus conjunction

Uranus at solar conjunction

Sun Uranus Conjunction in Aries The Sun Uranus conjunction exacts on the 18th of April, on the 28°of Aries, two days after the New Moon (16th of April, 01:57 UTC). New Moons are regarded beginnings of 28 day cycles, while Uranus is associated with freedom, revolts, renewal, thinking outside the box, awakenings. The close approach of Uranus to the New Moon in the pioneering sign of Aries emphasizes the importance of breaking new ground and pushing into the unknown, even if this means to step away from the safe side of the road. These new starts are related to the areas of life where it falls on your birth chart. (An astrology chart consult can help to identify the tasks, so don’t hesitate to contact me.) The exact conjunction occurring two days later between the planet of creativity, conscious mind (Sun) and the cosmic “Awakener” (Uranus) puts your individuality in focus. It will help you figure out: which kind of renewals are needed, where do you need more independence and freedom, which paths will help …