
Uranus at solar conjunction

Sun Uranus conjunction

Sun Uranus Conjunction in Aries

The Sun Uranus conjunction exacts on the 18th of April, on the 28°of Aries, two days after the New Moon (16th of April, 01:57 UTC). New Moons are regarded beginnings of 28 day cycles, while Uranus is associated with freedom, revolts, renewal, thinking outside the box, awakenings.

The close approach of Uranus to the New Moon in the pioneering sign of Aries emphasizes the importance of breaking new ground and pushing into the unknown, even if this means to step away from the safe side of the road. These new starts are related to the areas of life where it falls on your birth chart. (An astrology chart consult can help to identify the tasks, so don’t hesitate to contact me.)

The exact conjunction occurring two days later between the planet of creativity, conscious mind (Sun) and the cosmic “Awakener” (Uranus) puts your individuality in focus. It will help you figure out: which kind of renewals are needed, where do you need more independence and freedom, which paths will help you to develop your true potential and talents.

Sun Uranus conjunction

Uranus is a non-conventional planet, preferring excitement and quick changes. It is spontaneous and idealistic : it doesn’t pay too much attention to the details and the consequences. This also applies to the action – orientated, hot – headed Aries. The Sun – Uranus alignment in this passionate fire sign will give you strong impulses to break free from routines and „follow your bliss” (as Joseph Campbell said who had a potent stelium in Aries).

Sun Uranus Conjunction – awareness

However Mars, the ruler of Aries is in Capricorn, a sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents a completely different form of energy: it slows down, imposes discipline, sets boundaries and rules, and it submits you to different tests and reality checks before it lets you go further. Saturn is also associated with duties, responsibilities and the time – factor. Mars is the planet of action and self assertivity: it is essential to put our plans in practice.

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As Saturn is at home, Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and Pluto is in this sign since 2008 Capricorn energy is stronger than the Aries energy. This combination doesn’t mix very well. However, the way it will play out in your life depends on your awareness and free will.

At its worst it can make you restless and impatient. It can push you to take unnecessary risks, rebel against traditions and authority figures without discerning whether your discontent is justified or not. This combination is also very accident prone.

Sun Uranus conjunction

At its best your innovating spirit will be combined with a practical approach. You will be still motivated to break new grounds, step on paths giving you more freedom, creativity and inspiration. You will be willing to do this even if you must leave your comfort zone and veer into uncharted territories. However you will not burn up all of your bridges. Awareness, paying attention to the details, a permanent reality – check, hard work, patience and good timing will smoothen up significantly this transition. As the Earth trine between Mars/Pluto and Venus indicates, such efforts will bring long lasting benefits.

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